Stephan Morrow

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Oct 27, 2019
A piece of writing with real danger and which focuses on a mysterious mafia of violent Viet Nam Vets living on freight trains who are akin to Hell's Angels without the Harley. The net is closing since they are being pursued by relentless railroad agents. They may be a repugnant set of people and the film will disturb and provoke the audience that sees it but it follows what John Steppling (also writer of '52 Pickup' directed by John Frankenheimer w/ Roy Sheider and Ann Margaret and 'Animal Factory' directed by Steve Buscemi w/ Willem Dafoe. Mickey Rourke. Ed Furlong) believes - 'Art is not your friend'.
Les vrais durs ne dansent pas
Au petit matin, dans sa luxueuse villa au bord de la mer, le romancier Tim corrige le chiffre 23 inscrit sur la glace de la salle de bains et découvre, en descendant, que son père cancéreux, qui a choisi de vivre pleinement les mois qui lui restent, s'est introduit chez lui. Tim commence à lui raconter le cauchemar qu'a été le dernier mois : Regency, le flic local, de plus en plus présent et inquiétant, la dernière partie donnée par Polly sa femme, le départ de celle-ci avec son chauffeur noir ; et la séance qu'elle avait organisée pour entrer en communication avec les sorcières d'Enferville, l'ancien port de naufrageurs...


Oct 27, 2019
A piece of writing with real danger and which focuses on a mysterious mafia of violent Viet Nam Vets living on freight trains who are akin to Hell's Angels without the Harley. The net is closing since they are being pursued by relentless railroad agents. They may be a repugnant set of people and the film will disturb and provoke the audience that sees it but it follows what John Steppling (also writer of '52 Pickup' directed by John Frankenheimer w/ Roy Sheider and Ann Margaret and 'Animal Factory' directed by Steve Buscemi w/ Willem Dafoe. Mickey Rourke. Ed Furlong) believes - 'Art is not your friend'.


Oct 27, 2019
A piece of writing with real danger and which focuses on a mysterious mafia of violent Viet Nam Vets living on freight trains who are akin to Hell's Angels without the Harley. The net is closing since they are being pursued by relentless railroad agents. They may be a repugnant set of people and the film will disturb and provoke the audience that sees it but it follows what John Steppling (also writer of '52 Pickup' directed by John Frankenheimer w/ Roy Sheider and Ann Margaret and 'Animal Factory' directed by Steve Buscemi w/ Willem Dafoe. Mickey Rourke. Ed Furlong) believes - 'Art is not your friend'.