Rodrigo Lopresti

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The Night Listener

The Night Listener

Feb 12, 2006
Ecrivain renommé et animateur d'une émission de radio nocturne très populaire, Gabriel Noone se lie d'amitié avec un auditeur adolescent et la mère adoptive de celui-ci. Alors qu'il traverse une période de crise dans sa vie privée, Gabriel voit peu à peu son existence bouleversée par sa relation avec ce jeune garçon.


Nov 12, 2011
Bronze contemplatively brings viewers through the course of a fateful 12 hours in the lives of three teenage girls. Slowing creeping towards tragedy, viewers are forced to analyze and rationalize an uncomfortable judgment: were they “asking for it?" Feminist questions about consent, responsibility, victim accountability, and the often skewed media representation of sexual violence are raised as these girls leave their suburban NJ home for a night out.
In Private

In Private

Sep 21, 2017
Two couples get together for Christmas dinner, and are put at odds, when a texting error reveals more than intended.
Glass Chin

Glass Chin

Apr 19, 2014
After going down in the fifth round, boxer Bud Gordon bowed out of the limelight. Now residing in a fixer-upper apartment in New Jersey with his girlfriend, Bud longs for his former Manhattan glory. In an effort to get back in the game, he makes a deal with a crooked restaurateur. But quick schemes rarely bring easy pay-offs and as the consequences of his business negotiations unfold, Bud has to make a choice between his integrity and his aspirations.
I'm Not Me

I'm Not Me

Nov 01, 2011
As Josh struggles with the death of his wife Sam, his grief begins to manifest itself in haunting and strange ways. When Josh comes face to face with his dead wife who is somehow alive and well, he slowly realizes that his world consists of two divergent realities. As he journeys between the two realms, hopeful of recreating the life he shared with Sam, tragedy ensues.
Imaginary Heroes

Imaginary Heroes

Sep 14, 2004
Matt Travis est beau, populaire et le meilleur nageur de compétition de son école, c'est pourquoi tout le monde est choqué quand il se suicide inexplicablement. Au fur et à mesure de l'année suivante qui se déroule, chaque membre de sa famille lutte pour se remettre de la tragédie avec des résultats mitigés.
The Man in the Woods

The Man in the Woods

Nov 24, 2020
Par une nuit enneigée en 1963 en Pennsylvanie, une pensionnaire disparaît dans les bois. Ses amis, un quarterback déshonoré, un ex-flic délaissé, et la femme du directeur, acceptent d’aller la chercher. Comme ils le font, ils affrontent les mensonges, les histoires de fantômes et la démonisation sur lesquelles leur école idyllique a été construite.
James White

James White

Nov 13, 2015
James White a une vingtaine d’années et mène une vie dissolue le jour comme la nuit à New York. Mais lorsque sa mère tombe gravement malade, il doit alors affronter la réalité et trouver l’énergie nécessaire pour faire face à ses nouvelles responsabilités.
A Song Still Inside

A Song Still Inside

Apr 10, 2013
A SONG STILL INSIDE follows Mike, a young, under-employed father struggling with fatherhood and with his wife's success. As Maggie's career flourishes, Mike finds himself spending more and more time at home caring for their 9-month old son. With his professional options dwindling, Mike takes matters into his own hands, endangering both his marriage and his son in the process. As jealousies and resentments build, Mike is forced to confront fundamental questions about the life he thought he would lead.
Women Who Kill

Women Who Kill

Jul 27, 2016
Morgan and Jean work well together as true crime podcasters because they didn’t work well, at all, as a couple. However, when Morgan strikes up a new relationship with the mysterious Simone, their shared interest turns into suspicion, paranoia, and fear.
The 3rd Letter

The 3rd Letter

Mar 03, 2010
We are set against a polluted, megalopolis world. We follow the tragic tale of Jeffrey Brief (Rodrigo Lopresti); Faced with the imminent loss of his crucial health insurance, Brief unwittingly unravels a dark truth behind his insurance company. He is subsequently pushed to unspeakable lengths in an attempt for survival.
Science Fiction


Apr 24, 2021
A man wakes from a nightmare, only to be haunted by the sounds that inhabit his dreams.
I'm Not Me

I'm Not Me

Nov 01, 2011
As Josh struggles with the death of his wife Sam, his grief begins to manifest itself in haunting and strange ways. When Josh comes face to face with his dead wife who is somehow alive and well, he slowly realizes that his world consists of two divergent realities. As he journeys between the two realms, hopeful of recreating the life he shared with Sam, tragedy ensues.
I'm Not Me

I'm Not Me

Nov 01, 2011
As Josh struggles with the death of his wife Sam, his grief begins to manifest itself in haunting and strange ways. When Josh comes face to face with his dead wife who is somehow alive and well, he slowly realizes that his world consists of two divergent realities. As he journeys between the two realms, hopeful of recreating the life he shared with Sam, tragedy ensues.
The Man in the Woods

The Man in the Woods

Nov 24, 2020
As Josh struggles with the death of his wife Sam, his grief begins to manifest itself in haunting and strange ways. When Josh comes face to face with his dead wife who is somehow alive and well, he slowly realizes that his world consists of two divergent realities. As he journeys between the two realms, hopeful of recreating the life he shared with Sam, tragedy ensues.
Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods

Dec 13, 2024
Chez les Reagan, la "Loi" est une histoire de famille. Henry était commissaire général de New York, son fils Frank lui a succédé. Et la tradition perdure avec les enfants de ce dernier: Danny est inspecteur à la crim', Erin travaille au bureau du procureur et Jamie, le petit dernier, vient d'entrer dans la police. Quant à Joseph, qui était un des meilleurs inspecteurs dans les rangs de la police, sa mort pourrait être liée à la société secrète baptisée "The Blue Templar", regroupant des flics pourris... Les Reagan ne règnent pas sur New York, ils essaient d'y faire régner l'Ordre et la Justice.


Apr 17, 2016
L'histoire de quarante ans de musique à travers les yeux de Richie Finestra, un producteur de disques qui tente dans les années 70 de faire renaître de ses cendres son label en trouvant de nouveaux sons et de nouveaux talents alors qu'il traverse sa crise de la quarantaine. Drogue, sexe, punk et disco deviennent son quotidien...
The Sinner

The Sinner

Dec 01, 2021
Série d'anthologie qui explore les raisons pour lesquelles des personnes ordinaires peuvent commettre l'irréparable. L'inspecteur Harry Ambrose enquête sur Cora Tannetti, une jeune mère qui commet soudainement un acte de grande violence en public, sans pouvoir expliquer pourquoi.


Feb 25, 2025


Les agents spéciaux de la branche new-yorkaise du FBI usent de tous leurs talents et leur expertise pour assurer la protection de la ville et du pays. Les membres de cette unité d'élite combattent aussi bien le terrorisme, le crime organisé que le contre-espionnage.