Michael Wawuyo

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Mississippi Masala

Mississippi Masala

Sep 18, 1991
Une famille indienne est expulsé de l'Ouganda quand Idi Amin prend le pouvoir. Ils se déplacent dans le Mississippi et le temps passe. La fille indienne tombe amoureuse d'un homme noir, et les familles respectives doivent se réconcilier avec elle.
എസ്കേപ് ഫ്രം ഉഗാണ്ട
Shikha Samuel (Rima Killingal) and Jayakrishnan (Vijay Babu) have eloped and made Uganda their home with the help of Advocate Firoz (Mukesh), who is practising law there. The couple is leading a happy life with a girl child of their own. Jayakrishnan is employed as a manager in a coffee shop and Shikha runs a designer boutique of her own. The tranquillity of their life is shattered when Shikha is arrested on the charges of committing two murders, one of the victim is the daughter of the local Mayor, who has pledged to keep her in jail for the rest of her life.
La Miséricorde de la jungle
1998, région du Kivu, à la frontière entre le Congo et le Rwanda. Alors que la deuxième guerre du Congo fait rage, le sergent Xavier, héros de guerre rwandais, et le jeune soldat Faustin perdent la trace de leur bataillon. Ils se retrouvent alors isolés et sans ressources pour faire face à la jungle la plus vaste, la plus dense, et la plus hostile du continent. Eprouvés par la faim, la soif et la maladie, ils devront faire face à leurs propres tourments, et à ceux d’un territoire ravagé par la violence.
Kony: Order from Above
Two lovers caught in the conflict of war and the choice between love and duty. Otti, is abducted by the LRA at the age of 11 and is raised as a rebel with no room of escape. Despite the circumstances, his love for Aguti remains. In an effort to keep in touch with her, he writes and delivers letters through the village reverend - only to be discovered by the rebels who raid and abduct everyone from the girl's school she's in. Upon arrival at the rebel camp, the abductees are paraded before Kony whose interest falls upon Aguti without knowledge of the relationship between her and Otti.The two lovers struggle to keep their love a secret and also plot their escape.
The Boda Boda thieves

The Boda Boda thieves

Feb 08, 2015
Abel a 15 ans et vit a Kampala, la capitale de l'Ouganda, sans grande prospective d'avenir. Sa vie va changer quand son père, conducteur de boda boda (moto taxi), doit se soigner et abandonner le travail à cause d'un accident...Prenant la responsabilité de la famille, il va devoir faire face à ses démons intérieurs l'entraînant à choisir une voie plus rapide pour se faire de l'argent. Il a sa vie, et celle de sa famille, entre ses mains.


Jan 28, 2013
After being imprisoned for the killing of ethnic Tutsis during the Rwandan genocide, Manzi must face the emotional and psychological consequences of his most personal crime: the murder of his best friend's family.


Jan 28, 2013
After being imprisoned for the killing of ethnic Tutsis during the Rwandan genocide, Manzi must face the emotional and psychological consequences of his most personal crime: the murder of his best friend's family.
La Miséricorde de la jungle
After being imprisoned for the killing of ethnic Tutsis during the Rwandan genocide, Manzi must face the emotional and psychological consequences of his most personal crime: the murder of his best friend's family.
La Miséricorde de la jungle
After being imprisoned for the killing of ethnic Tutsis during the Rwandan genocide, Manzi must face the emotional and psychological consequences of his most personal crime: the murder of his best friend's family.