Jeff Smolek

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Sang chaud pour meurtre de sang froid
Isaac Barr, brillant psychanalyste, tombe amoureux de la sœur d'une de ses clientes, et il fait tout pour l'innocenter lorsque cette dernière est accusée du meurtre de son mari. Il réussit mais découvre bientôt des détails troublants sur le passé de sa belle maîtresse et de son énigmatique sœur.
Les rues de feu

Les rues de feu

Jun 01, 1984
Ellen Aim, une chanteuse de rock est kidnappée par Raven et son gang de motards. Son ancien amant Tom Cody arrive en ville pour la libérer, ce qu'il fait rapidement. Raven et son équipe se lance alors à leur poursuite...
Kill me again

Kill me again

Oct 27, 1989
Jack Andrews, privé en pleine déprime, est contacté par Fay Forrester, jeune femme gangster, qui vient de se débarrasser de son complice en emportant le magot. Après avoir raconté une histoire à faire pleurer l'homme le plus dur, elle demande à Jack de la faire disparaître…


Sep 27, 1989
Sous la ville, il y a un véritable empire souterrain... où vous ne pouvez pas imaginer ce qui s'y passe !!! Il y a bien des années, le réseau de galeries soutarraines de la ville était un repère de trafiquants, un endroit où les hommes étaient embarqués de force sur des navires... aujourd'hui, tout est à l'abandon. Du moins semble-t'il... Tout a commencé par une découverte macabre dans les tunnels situés sous l'immeuble d'un journal. Il n'en fallait pas plus pour exiter la curiosité de la reporter Pam Weiss et de la photographe Sharon Fields. Elles s'aventurent dans les entrailles de la cité. ce qu'elles vont découvrir relève de l'inimaginable.
La Loi à mains nues

La Loi à mains nues

Oct 01, 1990
Sean Thompson et sa co-équipière Billie Blake forment un tandem de choc, réputé au sein des forces de Police de Los Angeles pour son efficacité à pratiquer les Arts Martiaux. Mais Sean a un gros problème : son jeune frère Michael a mal tourné et travaille pour le compte de Dalton Rhodes, un empereur du crime lui-aussi Maître Karatéka. Quand Michael est tué, Sean voit rouge et décide avec Billie de réduire le gang de Rhodes à néant...
The Perfect Bride

The Perfect Bride

Jun 26, 1991
A young woman begins to suspect that her brother's young fiancée, an attractive Englishwoman, is actually a serial killer who kills men on the eve of their weddings.
A fleur de peau

A fleur de peau

Apr 29, 1988
A young woman begins to suspect that her brother's young fiancée, an attractive Englishwoman, is actually a serial killer who kills men on the eve of their weddings.


Jun 25, 1982
A young woman begins to suspect that her brother's young fiancée, an attractive Englishwoman, is actually a serial killer who kills men on the eve of their weddings.
Land of the Free

Land of the Free

Nov 24, 1998
A young woman begins to suspect that her brother's young fiancée, an attractive Englishwoman, is actually a serial killer who kills men on the eve of their weddings.
Steel Frontier

Steel Frontier

Mar 28, 1995
A young woman begins to suspect that her brother's young fiancée, an attractive Englishwoman, is actually a serial killer who kills men on the eve of their weddings.
Party Line

Party Line

Oct 01, 1988
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Martial Outlaw

Martial Outlaw

Nov 16, 1993
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.


Sep 27, 1989
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Sailor et Lula

Sailor et Lula

Aug 17, 1990
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Leaving Las Vegas

Leaving Las Vegas

Oct 27, 1995
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Faux témoin

Faux témoin

Jan 16, 1987
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Mort ou Vif

Mort ou Vif

Feb 09, 1995
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Les Banlieusards

Les Banlieusards

Feb 17, 1989
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Les Banlieusards

Les Banlieusards

Feb 17, 1989
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Quartier chaud

Quartier chaud

Jan 11, 1985
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
Deep Red

Deep Red

Mar 12, 1994
After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

May 20, 2003

A chaque génération il y a une élue. Seule elle devra affronter les vampires, les démons et les forces de l'ombre. Concilier scolarité difficile et affrontements nocturnes, ce n'est pas facile. Et c'est pourtant le quotidien de Buffy, une adolescente comme les autres avec ses problèmes affectifs et scolaires, mais qui la nuit part à la chasse aux vampires !
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Jul 04, 1992

The year is 1957. The cast and crew of the Lester Guy Show are extremely apprehensive about their upcoming live television broadcast on the Zoblotnick Broadcasting Co. network. Lester Guy despises fellow cast member Betty Hudson for unknowingly becoming more popular than him and schemes to destroy her career. Only two of the seven episodes were written by David Lynch.