Stefanie Brockhaus

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Hissa Hilal : une voix derrière le voile
Hissa Hilal est une femme saoudienne d’un peu plus de quarante ans, mariée avec des enfants. En plus d’être une écrivaine et une poétesse, Hissa est également une activiste féministe. En Arabie Saoudite, un pays où les femmes sont systématiquement bannies de la vie publique. Une voix sous le voile, robuste et puissante. Hissa est devenue une star dans le monde arabe (et au-delà) avec la seule force de ses poésies, dénonçant en vers le fanatisme jihadiste et les fatwa des imams qui annihilent les femmes. Poète talentueuse d’origine bédouine, Hissa est devenue le symbole et la porte-voix de la condition d’oppression et d’obscurantisme dans laquelle vivent les femmes sous le règne du jeune prince Mohammed ben Salman Al Saoud.
Some Things Are Hard To Talk About
Some Things Are Hard To Talk About is a personal documentary about the secrets of abortions in my family over three generations. After I had an abortion I find out that both my mother and my grandmother secretly had abortions. An intricate story of family history, choices and resulting effects uncovers.
Some Things Are Hard To Talk About
Some Things Are Hard To Talk About is a personal documentary about the secrets of abortions in my family over three generations. After I had an abortion I find out that both my mother and my grandmother secretly had abortions. An intricate story of family history, choices and resulting effects uncovers.
Some Things Are Hard To Talk About
Some Things Are Hard To Talk About is a personal documentary about the secrets of abortions in my family over three generations. After I had an abortion I find out that both my mother and my grandmother secretly had abortions. An intricate story of family history, choices and resulting effects uncovers.


Mar 21, 2025
Determined to make her own money, Azza teaches other women as a freelance driving instructor. Behind the wheel of her big black Toyota, she feels safe, proud – and free. She speeds down the country’s roads and highways. From the city to the endless desert, nothing can stop her.