La vie à Rome de 1930 à nos jours vue par un de ses admirateur, Federico Fellini. Fresque monumentale ou réalité et fantasmes du réalisateur sont étroitement mêlés.
Aldo Vanucci, un escroc italien surnommé « Le Renard », s'évade de prison afin de mettre la main sur de précieuses caisses d'or, tout en veillant sur l'honneur de sa sœur.
A penniless Prince and a petty thief become associates in a con game and when they end up in prison, the Prince, who is a compulsive gambler, loses all his money to the other and becomes his servant.
Franco et Ciccio sont deux Italiens simples d'esprit qui sont confondus par des espions du KGB avec des agents de leur gouvernement et d'autres gouvernements étrangers.
Franco consults a psychoanalyst due to a series of nightmares that constantly haunt him. The doctor prescribes a very special treatment for the patient: an intense love life. The man's wife, aware that she is part of the problem, decides to get a facial and to meet her husband in disguise.
The Godfather Don Vito Monreale knows, by chance, the Italian-American singer Nick Bouillon. Since the two are alike, Don Vito decided to exploit this similarity in his favour.
After stealing money transported in a train, Sacramento, Big Jim and Tequila arribe to "La Paz" town. They rent a room there in order to hide the money but Sacramento and Big Jim, while Tequila is sleeping, run away with the money. Tequila follow them...
Italy's best loved comedy duo play rival priests in the neighboring towns of Roccapizzone and San Antonio. Did Franco crash his bike through Ciccio's new stained glass window on purpose or was he just in town for their mutual confession? Their main beef with each other concerns their opposing football teams and this feud takes up a great deal of the picture.
Dans un bourg italien près de la mer, à l'heure du fascisme triomphant, les enfants trainassent, cherchant des victimes pour leurs blagues innocentes. L'un d'eux va connaître, en l'espace d'une année, une série d'expériences tour à tour drôles, savoureuses et poignantes.