Alan Daicz

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Apr 07, 2019
Set in the late ‘90s, in the height of the privatizations and the increase in poverty, Postman closely follows Hernán, a young man full of illusions that gets a job at the Central Post Office. There, a colleague teaches him the codes of the trade, but the harsh reality will force him to break them.
Noche americana

Noche americana

Feb 03, 2022
Iván is an unknown 24-year-old musician who receives the news that his flight from Rome has been cancelled. Once at the hotel, he discovers that an Argentine movie star twenty years older than him is in the same situation. Everything seems like a dream for Iván when she opens the door to an affair, but the tension grows when the actress's husband and daughter arrive.
Un amor

Un amor

Nov 09, 2011
A summer vacation in the 70s. Lalo and Bruno are teenagers doing nothing on days full of nothing. But on a hot and humid afternoon, and without asking for permission, Lisa arrives smashing more than the letargy of the town. Thirty years later Lisa comes again to interfere in the lives of these two adults.


Apr 04, 2019
After his father passes away at age 10, the lives of Luis Palau and his family are changed forever. Within a few years of his father's death, Luis, his siblings, and his mother are left nearly destitute. Luis is forced to discontinue his education at an elite boarding school in Argentina and provide for his family as they slip into poverty.


Oct 09, 2017
Dans un paradis où tout est beau, les paysages, les personnages et semble-t-il, les relations entre les êtres, un homme attentionné que l'on pensait être le père de la jeune Tami, se révèle être en fait le leader d'une secte, basée dans le sud du Chili. Le doute s'immisce dans la tête de Tami, 11 ans, quand Miguel la choisit comme l'élue digne d'être mère de son enfant.
El resquicio

El resquicio

Oct 19, 2012
A family travels to a lonely country house to forget a death. A nephew is in love with his aunt. A mother does not forget a daughter. A mother pretends that nothing happened. Ten-year-old twins believe the forest is haunted. One brother has a stick in his hand, the other brother waits for him at the lake. A muddy mother walks down a deserted road. An aunt is bathed in blood; it is not hers. A family wants to be united again, it wants to survive. A family may realize that they were totally wrong.


Apr 10, 2014
Once Pedro Chazarreta found murdered in the wonderful gated, El Tribuno newspaper hires retired detective novelist Nurit Iscar/Betibù that is installed in the area and a series of newspaper columns about the case. Along with the Chief of police of the newspaper, Mariano Saravia, and a veteran journalist, Jaime Breña, Betibù starts to investigate the murder. Using an old photo of the adolescence of Chazarreta, which shows him with fellow high school, the Group discovers an apparent connection between this murder and a succession of apparently trivial deaths of members of the photo. At the same time, Betibù must face its past emotional with the editor of the newspaper, Lorenzo Rinaldi, who seeks to restore the relationship.
Subte: Polska

Subte: Polska

Mar 10, 2016
As a young man, Tadeusz left behind his sweetheart and his entire family to fight for the Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War. After the war was lost, the rise of fascism made it unsafe for a Jewish communist to return to Europe, and Tadeusz was forced to immigrate to Buenos Aires, literally going underground to help build the subway tunnels beneath the city. Refusing the doctor’s pills he believes responsible for robbing his lucidity and manhood, Tadeusz’s past begins to meld with the present. Knowing that his next journey will likely be his last, Tadeusz sets about reconnecting with long-lost lovers from his youth, with help from an eccentric circle of caring friends and neighbours. A sharply observed character study depicting a quixotic life that comes full circle in its final, bittersweet chapter.


Jan 01, 2013
A young man from rural Argentina arrives in Buenos Aires to present his graphic novel at a book fair. He gets into a taxi and discovers that he is sitting in a car bomb: the vehicle is packed with explosives. Driver and passenger are now prisoners of one another...
Le médecin de famille
Patagonie, 1960. Un médecin allemand rencontre une famille argentine sur la longue route qui mène à Bariloche où Eva, Enzo et leurs trois enfants s’apprêtent à ouvrir un hôtel au bord du lac Nahuel Huapi. Cette famille modèle ranime son obsession pour la pureté et la perfection, en particulier Lilith, une fillette de 12 ans trop petite pour son âge. Sans connaître sa véritable identité, ils l’acceptent comme leur premier client. Ils sont peu à peu séduits par le charisme de cet homme, l’élégance de ses manières, son savoir et son argent, jusqu’à ce qu’ils comprennent qu’ils vivent avec l’un des plus grands criminels de tous les temps.
Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Aug 21, 2014
L'inégalité, l'injustice et l'exigence auxquelles nous expose le monde où l'on vit provoquent du stress et des dépressions chez beaucoup de gens. Certains craquent. « Les Nouveaux Sauvages » est un film sur eux.


Nov 01, 2013
Bruno has a teenage son, Damián. In front of his house there is an abandoned factory where Cartucho, a squatter, lives. Bruno buys a used car and parks it on the factory lot and is forced to tip Cartucho to take care of it.
Tiempo libre

Tiempo libre

Apr 14, 2015
A fairly realistic fiction by Martín Piroyansky about the life of Martín Piroyansky. The story revolves around an actor who loses his job due to an employment contract, which for many people is an unsolved mystery.
Entre hombres

Entre hombres

Oct 17, 2021
It is the golden age of gangs, and one of the darkest times for the police, who are controlled by a group of millionaire commissioners sharing in the illicit businesses of Buenos Aires.


Dec 13, 2023
Alors que son mariage avec Marcos touche à sa fin, Malena Carregal, 37 ans, doit faire face à une réalité bien différente : elle se retrouve sans emploi et confrontée à un avenir incertain après 15 ans passés à construire l'agence d'événementiel qui est désormais entre les mains de Marcos. Mais c'est dans ce moment de crise que Malena rencontre Cali, une femme intrigante et ambitieuse qui insuffle une nouvelle énergie dans la vie de Malena.