Annemarie Assmann

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May 07, 1987
After the death of her husband, Sarah gets caught up in the wheels of the "most sinful mile in the world," Hamburg's Kiez. In this ruthless machinery that produces nothing but violence, money and lust, the sensitive Sarah tries to adapt emotionlessly. It is a long and hard process of acclimation, but eventually the business of love becomes a profession for Sarah. The power of money holds her captive. And the more she succeeds in increasing her value in the milieu, the more she distances herself from her past bourgeois world - along with her concepts of love, decency and morality. An affair almost becomes her undoing. Sarah flees deeper into the labyrinth - onto the path of venal masochism. She becomes a whip-wielding dominatrix in the notorious Herbertstraße. Now the others are the victims, but Sarah almost loses her mind...
Abschied vom falschen Paradies
Ironies abound in this extremely sad melodrama about Elif, a Turkish immigrant in Germany who has been sent to prison for murdering her abusive husband. At the time of her imprisonment, she has never ventured outside the Turkish community, and even there has had no friends because of the demands her husband placed on her. She speaks no German. Now, in a place which most people find to be hell on earth, she gains a never-before known taste of freedom among these strangers, who don't even speak her own language. Unfortunately, as a "guest worker," she is horrified to discover that she is soon to be transferred to the horrific prisons of Turkey and will stand trial there for her crime, which will be much less understandingly dealt with in her home country than it would have been in Germany. The false paradise she must say goodbye to is her German prison.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.