James Fierro

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Oct 20, 2017
Après un braquage qui a mal tourné, le conducteur en fuite doit redoubler d'habileté s'il veut s'en sortir quand il reçoit des ordres insensés de la part d'un inconnu.
Sale temps pour un flic
Un policier de Chicago est pris au milieu des guerres de gangs, alors que ses collègues lui reprochent d'avoir brisé la loi du silence en dénonçant des représentants de la loi corrompus.
The Dark Knight : Le Chevalier noir
Batman aborde une phase décisive de sa guerre contre le crime à Gotham City. Avec l'aide du lieutenant de police Jim Gordon et du nouveau procureur Harvey Dent, il entreprend de démanteler les dernières organisations criminelles qui infestent les rues de la ville. L'association s'avère efficace, mais le trio se heurte bientôt à un nouveau génie du crime qui répand la terreur et le chaos dans Gotham : le Joker. On ne sait pas d'où il vient ni qui il est. Ce criminel possède une intelligence redoutable doublé d'un humour sordide et n'hésite pas à s'attaquer à la pègre locale dans le seul but de semer le chaos.
U.S. Marshals

U.S. Marshals

Mar 06, 1998
C'est par hasard, à la suite d'un banal accident de la circulation, que la police de Chicago retrouve la piste de Mark Roberts, recherché pour un double meurtre. Le prévenu est placé sous la garde de l'US Marshal Samuel Gerard pour être extradé par avion sur New York avec une vingtaine de prisonniers. Au cours du vol, un détenu s'empare d'une arme et tire sur Robert. Il rate son objectif et pulvérise un hublot. C'est le crash. L'appareil termine sa course dans l'Ohio. Une fois l'épave évacuée, le marshal découvre que Roberts a disparu...
Paranormal Island

Paranormal Island

Dec 10, 2014
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Sinister 2

Sinister 2

Aug 19, 2015
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
L'Incroyable Destin de Harold Crick
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Un plan simple

Un plan simple

Dec 11, 1998
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.


Jan 09, 2009
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.


Sep 19, 1997
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Nuit de folie

Nuit de folie

Jul 01, 1987
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.


Aug 11, 2016
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Les Veuves

Les Veuves

Nov 06, 2018
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Une créature de rêve
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Jeu d'enfant

Jeu d'enfant

Nov 09, 1988
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Le Mariage de mon meilleur ami
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Jimmy Reardon

Jimmy Reardon

Jul 26, 1988
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.
Henry, portrait d'un serial killer 2
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.


Jan 01, 1988
A biker reunion is hassled by IRA men.
Evil Has a Face

Evil Has a Face

Mar 20, 1996
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.


Sep 10, 1999
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.
Bad Girls

Bad Girls

Jan 24, 2001
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.
The Weather Man

The Weather Man

Oct 20, 2005
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.
Une histoire vraie

Une histoire vraie

Oct 15, 1999
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.
Barbershop 2

Barbershop 2

Jan 20, 2004
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.
Entre deux rives

Entre deux rives

Jun 16, 2006
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.
American Fable

American Fable

Feb 17, 2017
When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her father, Abe, a good and beloved farmer, is holding a wealthy man hostage in their abandoned silo in order to save their suffering farm, she befriends the captive in secret. As the truth unfolds about who he is and what will happen if he escapes, Gitty chooses to confront the thin line between reality and fiction.


Jul 30, 2010


When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her father, Abe, a good and beloved farmer, is holding a wealthy man hostage in their abandoned silo in order to save their suffering farm, she befriends the captive in secret. As the truth unfolds about who he is and what will happen if he escapes, Gitty chooses to confront the thin line between reality and fiction.
Jupiter : Le Destin de l'univers
When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her father, Abe, a good and beloved farmer, is holding a wealthy man hostage in their abandoned silo in order to save their suffering farm, she befriends the captive in secret. As the truth unfolds about who he is and what will happen if he escapes, Gitty chooses to confront the thin line between reality and fiction.
Science Fiction
Freddy : Les Griffes de la nuit
When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her father, Abe, a good and beloved farmer, is holding a wealthy man hostage in their abandoned silo in order to save their suffering farm, she befriends the captive in secret. As the truth unfolds about who he is and what will happen if he escapes, Gitty chooses to confront the thin line between reality and fiction.
Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire

Aug 21, 1992
When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her father, Abe, a good and beloved farmer, is holding a wealthy man hostage in their abandoned silo in order to save their suffering farm, she befriends the captive in secret. As the truth unfolds about who he is and what will happen if he escapes, Gitty chooses to confront the thin line between reality and fiction.
Maman, j'ai encore raté l'avion !
When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her father, Abe, a good and beloved farmer, is holding a wealthy man hostage in their abandoned silo in order to save their suffering farm, she befriends the captive in secret. As the truth unfolds about who he is and what will happen if he escapes, Gitty chooses to confront the thin line between reality and fiction.

Apr 02, 2009

À Chicago, l'hôpital Cook County dispose d'un service des urgences dans lequel œuvre une équipe de médecins dévoués et courageux, sous la houlette du docteur Mark Greene. Leur quotidien est ponctué de drames et de victoires, mais aussi de difficultés personnelles, professionnelles ou sentimentales.

Feb 05, 2025

Des officiers en uniforme qui patrouillent et combattent le crime dans la rue, aux membres de l'unité des renseignements affectés à des affaires majeures (crime organisé, trafic de drogue, homicides...), toutes les recrues du poste de police du district 21 de Chicago risquent quotidiennement leurs vies. Ces énormes responsabilités dépassent souvent le simple cadre professionnel et entâchent la sphère privée de ces hommes et de ces femmes d'exception. Spin-off de Chicago Fire centré sur une brigade de police de la ville.

Feb 05, 2025

Le quotidien mouvementé du personnel d'un des plus importants hôpitaux de Chicago. Leur mission : sauver des vies, en se confrontant aux cas médicaux les plus critiques. Seuls leur courage et leur compassion leur permet au quotidien de faire face aux challenges parfois insurmontables de la médecine, ainsi qu'aux dilemmes éthiques propres à leur noble discipline.

Feb 05, 2025

Lorsque les membres de la caserne 51 perdent un des leurs, la tragédie frappe chaque pompier et particulièrement les deux lieutenants, Matthew Casey et Kelly Severide. La culpabilité et les reproches fusent alors et chacun se rejette la responsabilité pour la perte d'un des leurs. Parallèlement, Peter Mills, un jeune candidat, intègre la caserne afin de remplacer le pompier décédé. L'équipe se serre les coudes afin d'éviter qu'une tragédie pareille se reproduise.

Aug 04, 2024

Dans une petite ville du Michigan qui subsiste grâce à la prison locale et la vie policière comme criminelle qui règne autour du centre pénitencier. C'est l'histoire de la famille McClusky...