Travis Wong

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Stunt Sport

Stunt Sport

Feb 01, 2014
Hold on to the edge of your seats as young adrenaline junkies defy all odds, soar from rooftops, head-spin with broken backs, and display the athleticism, determination, and artistic expression that has made these Stunt Sports a global phenomenon. This film documents the struggles and lives of these underground acrobats and showcases how these three urban movements have found their niche in Hollywood and made Tricking, Breaking, and Parkour athletes some of the most sought after stuntmen in show business today. Stunt Sport is directed by The McKaig Bros (Samuel McKaig & Ian McKaig) and produced by Hollywood Film And Media.
Père Stu : Un héros pas comme les autres
Stuart Long a toujours été un sportif. Ancien joueur de football, il a un temps voulu être acteur. Il se mettra finalement à la boxe, avant de déménager en Californie pour faire décoller sa carrière de comédien. Après un grave accident de la route, il se tourne vers la religion. Il devient prêtre et décide désormais de consacrer sa vie à aider les autres.
Stunt Sport

Stunt Sport

Feb 01, 2014
Hold on to the edge of your seats as young adrenaline junkies defy all odds, soar from rooftops, head-spin with broken backs, and display the athleticism, determination, and artistic expression that has made these Stunt Sports a global phenomenon. This film documents the struggles and lives of these underground acrobats and showcases how these three urban movements have found their niche in Hollywood and made Tricking, Breaking, and Parkour athletes some of the most sought after stuntmen in show business today. Stunt Sport is directed by The McKaig Bros (Samuel McKaig & Ian McKaig) and produced by Hollywood Film And Media.
Stunt Sport

Stunt Sport

Feb 01, 2014
Hold on to the edge of your seats as young adrenaline junkies defy all odds, soar from rooftops, head-spin with broken backs, and display the athleticism, determination, and artistic expression that has made these Stunt Sports a global phenomenon. This film documents the struggles and lives of these underground acrobats and showcases how these three urban movements have found their niche in Hollywood and made Tricking, Breaking, and Parkour athletes some of the most sought after stuntmen in show business today. Stunt Sport is directed by The McKaig Bros (Samuel McKaig & Ian McKaig) and produced by Hollywood Film And Media.
Transformers : L’Âge de l’extinction
Hold on to the edge of your seats as young adrenaline junkies defy all odds, soar from rooftops, head-spin with broken backs, and display the athleticism, determination, and artistic expression that has made these Stunt Sports a global phenomenon. This film documents the struggles and lives of these underground acrobats and showcases how these three urban movements have found their niche in Hollywood and made Tricking, Breaking, and Parkour athletes some of the most sought after stuntmen in show business today. Stunt Sport is directed by The McKaig Bros (Samuel McKaig & Ian McKaig) and produced by Hollywood Film And Media.
Science Fiction
A Screenshot to Santa

A Screenshot to Santa

Dec 09, 2023
When a storm prevents their parents from getting home on Christmas Eve, two sisters overcome their sibling rivalry to outsmart a pair of intruders.
Back in Action

Back in Action

Jan 15, 2025
When a storm prevents their parents from getting home on Christmas Eve, two sisters overcome their sibling rivalry to outsmart a pair of intruders.
Ligue des Dieux

Ligue des Dieux

Jul 28, 2016
When a storm prevents their parents from getting home on Christmas Eve, two sisters overcome their sibling rivalry to outsmart a pair of intruders.
Bullet Train

Bullet Train

Aug 03, 2022
When a storm prevents their parents from getting home on Christmas Eve, two sisters overcome their sibling rivalry to outsmart a pair of intruders.
Death Valley

Death Valley

Nov 21, 2011
Les exploits d'une unité des forces spéciales de la police de Los Angeles, fondée en 2009 lorsque la vallée de San Fernando a été envahie par des zombies, des vampires et des loups-garous. Alors que les scientifiques cherchent encore une réponse à la cause de ce chaos, les membres de cette équipe d'intervention sont chargés d'éradiquer les monstres, ou du moins les contenir dans la vallée.
Death Valley

Death Valley

Aug 14, 2022
À Westworld, un parc d'attractions dernier cri, les visiteurs paient des fortunes pour revivre le frisson de la conquête de l'Ouest. Dolores, Teddy et bien d'autres sont des androïdes à apparence humaine créés pour donner l'illusion et offrir du dépaysement aux clients. Pour ces derniers, Westworld est l'occasion de laisser libre-cours à ses fantasmes. Cet univers bien huilé est mis en péril lorsqu'à la suite d'une mise à jour, quelques robots commencent à adopter des comportements imprévisibles, voire erratiques. En coulisses, l'équipe, qui tire les ficelles de ce monde alternatif, s'inquiète de ces incidents de plus en plus nombreux. Les enjeux du programme Westworld étant énormes, la Direction ne peut se permettre une mauvaise publicité qui ferait fuir ses clients. Que se passe-t-il réellement avec les androïdes ré-encodés ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Death Valley

Death Valley

Jan 04, 2024
Quand sa famille est attaquée, un membre d'une triade de Taipei se rend à Los Angeles pour protéger sa mère forte tête et son frère qui ignore tout de leurs activités.