Emil Tonev

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Point d'impact

May 19, 2002
Jacques Kristoff, un agent spécial, est dans un train qui va de Slovaquie en Allemagne. Il doit escorter Galin, une espionne, mais le train est pris en otage par des terroristes qui demandent une arme bio-chimique en échange des otages.
Сомбреро блус
Rock musicians from Plovdiv arrive at a little village pub named "Nirvana" to perform. Pub visitors accept neither them, nor their music. Thrown out from their hotel, the rock musicians put up at Tosho the Gypsy's house, Tosho being somebody who searches for water with a dowsing rod. The guests befriend their host and even manage to find water in his well which he was unable to uncover. Tosho and one of the musicians are namesakes and his biggest regret is that he does not have a child of his own. As a party flares up in his poor home, Tosho rediscovers passion, but an unexpected event casts a gloom on the night.
Retour à la maison de l'horreur
Sarah Wolfe, seule survivante du drame qui s'est déroulé des années auparavant dans la maison de l'horreur, est retrouvée morte. Si tout laisse penser à un suicide, sa sœur Ariel tente de découvrir la vérité. La jeune femme est prise en otage par un groupe d'archéologues qui pense qu'elle détient les informations de sa soeur. Ceux-ci décident de l'emmener dans la fameuse maison sur les traces d'une statuette aux pouvoirs maléfiques...


May 05, 2017
L'histoire vraie de Chuck Wepner, négociant en alcools du New Jersey, qui a tenu 15 rounds contre le plus grand boxeur de tous les temps, Mohammed Ali, lors du championnat du monde poids lourds en 1975, avant de finalement s'incliner par K.O. technique. Durant les dix années où il a été boxeur, celui que l'on surnommait "Bayonne Bleeder" a eu 8 fois le nez cassé, a connu 14 défaites, deux K.O., un total de 313 points de suture... et a inspiré le personnage de Rocky Balboa dans la franchise au succès planètaire Rocky.


Sep 25, 2014
This is a story of friendship, love and tolerance as well as of the impossibility to have them together at one place and time, especially right here - on the Balkans.
Сомбреро блус
Rock musicians from Plovdiv arrive at a little village pub named "Nirvana" to perform. Pub visitors accept neither them, nor their music. Thrown out from their hotel, the rock musicians put up at Tosho the Gypsy's house, Tosho being somebody who searches for water with a dowsing rod. The guests befriend their host and even manage to find water in his well which he was unable to uncover. Tosho and one of the musicians are namesakes and his biggest regret is that he does not have a child of his own. As a party flares up in his poor home, Tosho rediscovers passion, but an unexpected event casts a gloom on the night.
Point d'impact

Point d'impact

May 19, 2002
Rock musicians from Plovdiv arrive at a little village pub named "Nirvana" to perform. Pub visitors accept neither them, nor their music. Thrown out from their hotel, the rock musicians put up at Tosho the Gypsy's house, Tosho being somebody who searches for water with a dowsing rod. The guests befriend their host and even manage to find water in his well which he was unable to uncover. Tosho and one of the musicians are namesakes and his biggest regret is that he does not have a child of his own. As a party flares up in his poor home, Tosho rediscovers passion, but an unexpected event casts a gloom on the night.


Oct 20, 2004
Rock musicians from Plovdiv arrive at a little village pub named "Nirvana" to perform. Pub visitors accept neither them, nor their music. Thrown out from their hotel, the rock musicians put up at Tosho the Gypsy's house, Tosho being somebody who searches for water with a dowsing rod. The guests befriend their host and even manage to find water in his well which he was unable to uncover. Tosho and one of the musicians are namesakes and his biggest regret is that he does not have a child of his own. As a party flares up in his poor home, Tosho rediscovers passion, but an unexpected event casts a gloom on the night.
Retour à la maison de l'horreur
Rock musicians from Plovdiv arrive at a little village pub named "Nirvana" to perform. Pub visitors accept neither them, nor their music. Thrown out from their hotel, the rock musicians put up at Tosho the Gypsy's house, Tosho being somebody who searches for water with a dowsing rod. The guests befriend their host and even manage to find water in his well which he was unable to uncover. Tosho and one of the musicians are namesakes and his biggest regret is that he does not have a child of his own. As a party flares up in his poor home, Tosho rediscovers passion, but an unexpected event casts a gloom on the night.