Cleo Diára

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Mar 08, 2023
En 1995, pendant la guerre civile angolaise, Nayola part à la recherche de son mari disparu.
O Jardineiro do Convento/A Jardineira do Convento
Based on one of the short stories from the "Decameron", "The Convent Gardener" mirrors the story of Young Gardener Masetto and presents, in two separate parts, the story of a young man and a young woman who pretend to be mute in order to get a job as a gardener in a convent inhabited by several women and several men, respectively. Because the young gardeners are mute and, therefore, assumably unable to reveal the secrets of the convent’s residents, all the women living there take action to sleep with the young man just as all the men do to sleep with the young woman.
Le vent qui siffle dans les grues
Algarve, 1992. La vie de Milene est chamboulée lorsque que sa très protectrice grand-mère décède. Restée seule, elle se rend à l’usine désaffectée qui avait fait la fortune de son aïeule. Elle y rencontre les Mata, une famille capverdienne. Quand les proches de Milene rentrent de vacances, ils veulent prendre sa vie en main. Mais celle-ci leur échappe. Petit à petit, Milene s’approche d’Antonino Mata. Pour lui, c’est compliqué : tomber amoureux de la fille des propriétaires n’est pas une bonne idée. Mais Milene est si lumineuse qu’il finit par se rendre. La famille, contrariée, décide de réagir. - - écrit et réalisé par Jeanne Waltz ; adaptée du roman de Lídia Jorge - - [repris de Box Productions (co-productrice)]


Aug 31, 2021
A protagonist in limbo, with a precarious work situation, a temporary home location. And a hidden facet of his life that he reveals to few.
A Canção de Lisboa

A Canção de Lisboa

Jul 14, 2016
How happy and proud they are those two ladies back in Oporto! Thanks to them, their bright nephew can study medicine in Lisbon and may already have become a doctor. Little do they know, not only Vasco wastes all his time drinking, dancing and picking up girls but he has just failed his final exam! And in that same day, he receives an email from the two aunts announcing their visit to Lisbon! Will he be able to make them believe he is such a good student as they think?
Vermelho Monet

Vermelho Monet

May 09, 2024
Follows the story of Johannes Van Almeida, a painter who was just released from prison and wants to start his life anew, but everything changes when art dealer Antoinette, and international actress in crisis Florence Lizz, get in his way.
Nha Mila

Nha Mila

Aug 07, 2020
After fourteen years away from her homeland, Salomé is forced to return to Cape Verde to see her dying brother. During her stopover at Lisbon airport, Águeda, a cleaning lady, recognizes Salomé as "Mila", her childhood friend. Águeda invites Salomé to leave the airport and spend the stopover at her home, with the women of her family. The neighborhood transports her on a spiritual journey, whose destination reveals a painful bond with her homeland.


May 04, 2019
On the shores of Lisbon, Arriaga, a 25 years old boy from a middle-class family of emigrants walks alone through the silent and wrinkled streets by vices of the nightlife. Arriaga deals with his self-destructive alter ego to be accepted among the youth of his neighborhood. Everything happens in one place, everything revolves around a single moment, what is suspicious only the unexpected can unfold.
Damned Summer

Damned Summer

Aug 21, 2017
Après-midis oisifs, drogues, peines de cœur, humeurs psychédéliques plongées dans la musique. Une montée d’adrénaline. Lisbonne en toile de fond d’une jeunesse à la dérive.
Terra Amarela

Terra Amarela

Jan 01, 2018
In a remote and inhospitable place with its own rules, we follow the journey of a group of women forced into slavery.


Nov 28, 2018
Magnifique, candide et attachant, Diamantino est l’icône planétaire du football, un héros flamboyant touché par la grâce. Quand soudain, en pleine Coupe du Monde, son génie s’envole dans les vapeurs roses de ses visions magiques, sa carrière est stoppée net. Problème : il ne connaît rien d’autre. La star déchue, devenue objet de risée nationale, découvre alors le monde – les autres. Le voilà embarqué dans maintes péripéties qui mutent en odyssée : conspiration familiale (ses deux soeurs n’en veulent qu’à sa fortune), manipulations génétiques délirantes, crise des réfugiés, complotisme de l’extrême-droite… Et, au beau milieu de cette tragédie, où son chat semble être son dernier supporter, pourtant, surgit l’Amour. Le vrai. C’était écrit.