Jason Glass

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Blonde sur Ordonnance

Blonde sur Ordonnance

Mar 14, 2014
Le pharmacien d'un petit village, coincé dans un mariage sans amour, s'engage dans une relation avec une femme qui l'initie aux plaisirs des drogues de prescription.
Bienvenue à Marwen

Bienvenue à Marwen

Dec 21, 2018
L'histoire de Mark Hogancamp, victime d'une amnésie totale après avoir été sauvagement agressé, et qui, en guise de thérapie, se lance dans la construction de la réplique d'un village belge durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, mettant en scène les figurines des habitants en les identifiant à ses proches, ses agresseurs ou lui-même.
Fugitives Run

Fugitives Run

Aug 02, 2005
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.
Hors limites

Hors limites

Mar 16, 2001
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.
Josie et les Pussycats
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.
On arrive quand?

On arrive quand?

Jan 20, 2005
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.
Dreamcatcher : l'attrape-rêves
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.
La Quatrième Guerre

La Quatrième Guerre

Mar 08, 1990
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.


Jul 15, 2010
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.


Sep 15, 1994
There's never a dull moment from the time Clint Northern meets Dan John Fighting Bear at his granddaughter's birthday party. The two take an instant dislike to each other but find themselves unlikely partners when they're mistaken as the culprits of a local bingo heist! Madness and mayhem ensue as they embark on a mission to clear their names and bring the real culprits to justice while evading a vengeful cop, and a crazed casino security guard. It's a barrel of laughs that never stops rolling! Along the way, they get a lot more adventure than they bargained for, some newfound respect, and quite possibly a lasting friendship.
A Friend of the Family
After she narrowly escaped rape by attackers in Toronto, artist Alison Shaw and her devoted hunky husband Darrin, a construction worker, move to a rural small town in Ontario and nest a dream home. The locals are welcoming, especially David Snow, who makes Darrin his partner in an Antiques business and gallery for her art, but then she believes David is the serial killer behind a number of murders on women looking rather like her- given his excellent reputation, nobody believes her. Even after they move to Vancouver, her obsession remains focused and Darrin had had enough...
Sacré Père Noël

Sacré Père Noël

Nov 13, 1998
After she narrowly escaped rape by attackers in Toronto, artist Alison Shaw and her devoted hunky husband Darrin, a construction worker, move to a rural small town in Ontario and nest a dream home. The locals are welcoming, especially David Snow, who makes Darrin his partner in an Antiques business and gallery for her art, but then she believes David is the serial killer behind a number of murders on women looking rather like her- given his excellent reputation, nobody believes her. Even after they move to Vancouver, her obsession remains focused and Darrin had had enough...
À l'aube du 6ème jour
After she narrowly escaped rape by attackers in Toronto, artist Alison Shaw and her devoted hunky husband Darrin, a construction worker, move to a rural small town in Ontario and nest a dream home. The locals are welcoming, especially David Snow, who makes Darrin his partner in an Antiques business and gallery for her art, but then she believes David is the serial killer behind a number of murders on women looking rather like her- given his excellent reputation, nobody believes her. Even after they move to Vancouver, her obsession remains focused and Darrin had had enough...
Science Fiction
Les Amants du nouveau monde
After she narrowly escaped rape by attackers in Toronto, artist Alison Shaw and her devoted hunky husband Darrin, a construction worker, move to a rural small town in Ontario and nest a dream home. The locals are welcoming, especially David Snow, who makes Darrin his partner in an Antiques business and gallery for her art, but then she believes David is the serial killer behind a number of murders on women looking rather like her- given his excellent reputation, nobody believes her. Even after they move to Vancouver, her obsession remains focused and Darrin had had enough...
Underworld 2 - Evolution
After she narrowly escaped rape by attackers in Toronto, artist Alison Shaw and her devoted hunky husband Darrin, a construction worker, move to a rural small town in Ontario and nest a dream home. The locals are welcoming, especially David Snow, who makes Darrin his partner in an Antiques business and gallery for her art, but then she believes David is the serial killer behind a number of murders on women looking rather like her- given his excellent reputation, nobody believes her. Even after they move to Vancouver, her obsession remains focused and Darrin had had enough...
Mystery, Alaska

Mystery, Alaska

Oct 01, 1999
After she narrowly escaped rape by attackers in Toronto, artist Alison Shaw and her devoted hunky husband Darrin, a construction worker, move to a rural small town in Ontario and nest a dream home. The locals are welcoming, especially David Snow, who makes Darrin his partner in an Antiques business and gallery for her art, but then she believes David is the serial killer behind a number of murders on women looking rather like her- given his excellent reputation, nobody believes her. Even after they move to Vancouver, her obsession remains focused and Darrin had had enough...

Apr 09, 2021

Descendante du légendaire as de la gâchette Wyatt Earp, l'effrontée Wynonna Earp n'a peur de rien. De retour dans sa ville natale, elle combat les vampires et autres démons tués par son arrière-arrière grand-père, qui reviennent hanter les vivants à cause d'une malédiction qui pèse sur sa famille depuis plusieurs générations. Grâce à des dons exceptionnels et d'improbables alliés, la jeune femme traque les créatures surnaturelles.
Action & Adventure

Feb 07, 2001

Cade Foster découvre que des extraterrestres vivent sur Terre sous la forme de clones humains dans le but d'asservir l'humanité. Ces extraterrestres tuent son épouse et font croire qu'il est le meurtrier. Pourchassé par la police et une agence gouvernementale, Cade Foster découvre dans les prédictions de Nostradamus que trois vagues d'attaques conduiront à la destruction de l'humanité. La première, l'arrivée des extraterrestres sur Terre, a déjà eu lieu. Mais la prophétie parle d'un homme capable de les arrêter. Cade Foster est-il cet homme ?
Action & Adventure

Mar 12, 2023

Vingt ans après la destruction de la civilisation moderne, Joel, un survivant endurci, est engagé pour faire sortir Ellie, une jeune fille de 14 ans, d'une zone de quarantaine oppressante. Ce qui n'est au départ qu'un petit travail se transforme rapidement en un voyage brutal et époustouflant, alors que ce duo improbable dépend de l'autre pour sa survie.