Michael Smallwood

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God Bless New Dixie

God Bless New Dixie

Jan 01, 2016
Ferrari Thunderbird Taylor is a foul-mouthed, perpetually buzzed vigilante who, after getting out of rehab, has her heart set on proposing to her boyfriend, Harry Shumway. But when she realizes that the object of her affection is running for South Carolina governor on a platform of seceding from the United States, she races to save her man, if not the entire state, from certain ruin.
Gospel of Ted

Gospel of Ted

Aug 25, 2022
Ferrari Thunderbird Taylor is getting ready to leave South Carolina behind forever and start a new life in the Queen City - until her deadbeat husband exchanges all their hard-earned money for cryptocurrency at the behest of a shadowy cult figure, known only as Ted. Before her new life can begin, Ferra must dismantle Ted's legion of Apocalypse-preppers, restore her husband's sanity, and salvage what's left of her good name.
Detroit Reawakening

Detroit Reawakening

Mar 28, 2022
Detroit Reawakening tells the origin story of a newly awakened android, Nines, and his enemies-to-lovers journey with his human partner, Detective Gavin Reed. Although lovers in the present, Gavin and Nines nostalgically reflect on their rocky early history, and the day that changed everything in their relationship. Built in the world of the video game Detroit Become Human, this short fan film comes from homegrown love of its fandom, and the Reed900 ship.


Aug 30, 2023
A popular group of video game content creators must face the ultimate lesson in teamwork when a haunted multiplayer game begins killing them one by one.
Gin & Platonic

Gin & Platonic

Jul 02, 2023
A streaming-series dramedy that follows Kali and Anthony, two LGBTQ+ platonic best friends who have each other's backs as they navigate the chaotic ups and downs of their lives, careers, and relationships. Platonicships are stronger than relationships.


Aug 11, 2017
Rob est fou amoureux et sur le point de se marier. Malheureusement, il est aussi tout nu, coincé dans un ascenseur et pris dans une boucle temporelle.


Oct 18, 2018
Laurie Strode est de retour pour un affrontement final avec Michael Myers, le personnage masqué qui la hante depuis qu’elle a échappé de justesse à sa folie meurtrière le soir d’Halloween 40 ans plus tôt.
Moses und Aron

Moses und Aron

Aug 22, 2009
One of the greatest revolutions in the history of mankind happened around 3000 years ago: the transition from polytheism to monotheism through the prophet Moses. God revealed himself directly to Moses, instructing him in absolute truth. Moses was charged with leading the people of Israel to the Promised Land and escaping from Egyptian slavery. Moses came to embody the relationship between the human and divine truth. God’s call to Moses presented a new idea that exploded all previous religious concepts: ‘One God – unique, eternal, intangible, inconceivable’. Moses understands this concept, but is unable to express it, and therefore God appoints Moses’ brother Aaron as his spokesman. They are bound to fail: Aaron can only approach sharing the idea by compromising its meaning, whilst Moses is left to search fruitlessly for “the word I lack …” This production of Arnold Schoenbergs opera was filmed during the Ruhrtriennale 2009.
Halloween Kills

Halloween Kills

Oct 14, 2021
Laurie Strode, sa fille Karen et sa petite fille Allyson viennent d'abandonner le monstre au célèbre masque, enfermé dans le sous-sol de la maison dévorée par les flammes. Grièvement blessée, Laurie est transportée en urgence à l'Hôpital, avec la certitude qu’elle vient enfin de se débarrasser de celui qui la harcèle depuis toujours. Mais Micheal Myers parvient à s'extirper du piège où Laurie l’avait enfermé et son bain de sang rituel recommence. Surmontant sa douleur pour se préparer à l'affronter encore une fois, elle va inspirer la ville entière qui décide de l'imiter et de se soulever pour exterminer ce fléau indestructible. Les trois générations de femmes vont s'associer à une poignée de survivants du premier massacre, et prennent les choses en main en formant une milice organisée autour de la chasse et la destruction du monstre une fois pour toutes.


Jul 04, 2019
Mise en scène par Christophe Honoré, la première "Tosca" de Puccini à l’affiche du Festival d’Aix-en-Provence en 2019 réunit deux sublimes sopranos, Catherine Malfitano et Angel Blue.