Marc Boyle

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La Nuit américaine

La Nuit américaine

May 24, 1973
Ferrand, célèbre metteur en scène, commence le tournage de son nouveau film, « Je vous présente Pamela », aux studios de la Victorine, à Nice. Il a rassemblé autour de lui Bertrand, son producteur, Alphonse, le jeune premier, Julie Baker, une actrice américaine dépressive accompagnée de son mari, le docteur Nelson, Séverine, qui noie les outrages de l'âge dans la boisson, Alexandre, un acteur quinquagénaire et, bien sûr, toute son équipe technique. Le tournage se révèle long et difficile, d'autant plus que tous ces personnages accumulent intrigues, passions et éclats, devant et derrière les caméras…
Doctor Who: The Time Monster
The Master, in the guise of Professor Thascalos, has constructed at the Newton Institute in Wootton a device known as TOMTIT - Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time - to gain control over Kronos, a creature from outside time. The creature is summoned but proves to be uncontrollable.
Science Fiction
Outland… Loin de la Terre
Un policier, William T.O'Neil, accepte le poste de shérif d'une station de forage minier installée sur l'un des quatre satellites de Jupiter. Une série d'incidents se produisent et les ouvriers ont un comportement très agressif. Le shérif s’aperçoit alors qu'on les dope pour obtenir un rendement meilleur. Seulement la drogue utilisée est très dangereuse.
Science Fiction
La Malédiction finale
Damien Thorn est maintenant âgé de 32 ans. Il est à la tête d’une grande multinationale. Il est aussi le leader d’une secte satanique qui le vénère en tant qu’Antéchrist mais le règne de Damien Thorn semble toucher à sa fin…
Superman II

Superman II

Dec 12, 1980
Loïs Lane, la célèbre reporter du Daily Planet, se retrouve aux prises avec un groupe de terroristes. Ces derniers menacent d’anéantir la ville de Paris à l’aide d’une bombe H, placée au sommet de la Tour Eiffel. Superman décide alors de voler au secours de son amie et de sauver Paris de la catastrophe.
Science Fiction
Just Another Secret

Just Another Secret

Jan 01, 1989
An American intelligence agent uncovers a plot to assassinate Soviet Premier Gorbachev just at the time when glasnost is coming into place.
Top Secret !

Top Secret !

Jun 08, 1984
Nick Rivers, une star américaine du rock and roll, participe à Berlin-Est à un festival culturel international. Ce rassemblement est en fait l’instrument d’un complot fomenté par un groupe de néo-nazis nostalgiques. Nick participe, à sa façon, à la résistance qui s’organise.
Le piège

Le piège

Nov 08, 1973
Sur les ordres de Mackintosh, le chef du contre-espionnage, Rearden vole un lot de diamants. Dénoncé, il est arrêté et condamné à 20 ans de réclusion. Mais un groupe occulte, les Scarperers, organise son évasion, et celle de Slade, un agent de l'Est. Les deux fuyards sont placés sous bonne garde dans une demeure en Irlande. Rearden parvient à s'enfuir. Les Scarperers se lancent alors à sa poursuite. Ils connaissent maintenant la réelle mission de l'agent...
Restless Natives

Restless Natives

Jun 01, 1985
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.


Jun 21, 1989
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.


Nov 15, 1991
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Une saison blanche et sèche
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Jamais plus jamais

Jamais plus jamais

Oct 07, 1983
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.


May 22, 1992
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Science Fiction
Le Cinquième Élément
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Science Fiction
Le Retour du Jedi

Le Retour du Jedi

May 25, 1983
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Le Loup-Garou de Londres
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
La Guerre des étoiles
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
L'Empire contre-attaque
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Hear My Song

Hear My Song

Dec 27, 1991
Singer Josef Locke fled to Ireland 25 years ago to escape the clutches of the tax man and police Chief Jim Abbott. What he also left behind was the love of his life Cathleen Doyle. Now, Micky O’Neill is desperate to save both his ailing Liverpool nightclub ‘Heartly’s’ and his failing relationship with the beautiful Nancy, Cathleen’s daughter. The solution? Book the infamous Josef Locke.
Empire State

Empire State

Mar 01, 1987
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
La Compagnie des loups
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Tels pères telle fille
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Sky Bandits

Sky Bandits

Oct 31, 1986
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Event Horizon : Le vaisseau de l'au-delà
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
La Plage

La Plage

Feb 03, 2000
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Les 7 Cités d'Atlantis
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Le justicier de New York
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Un pont trop loin

Un pont trop loin

Jun 15, 1977
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Diamond Skulls

Diamond Skulls

Feb 01, 1990
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.


Nov 01, 1980
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Top Secret !

Top Secret !

Jun 08, 1984
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
L'Apprenti criminel

L'Apprenti criminel

Feb 26, 1988
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd

Jun 30, 1995
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Science Fiction
La Malédiction finale
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Les Professionnels

Les Professionnels

Feb 06, 1983
Cette série met en scène les aventures de William Bodie et Raymond Doyle deux des meilleurs agents du CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), une organisation secrète chargée de maintenir la sécurité en Angleterre dont le patron est l'irascible George Cowley.
Action & Adventure
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.
Rogues' Gallery

Rogues' Gallery

Jun 09, 1969
Rogues' Gallery was a British television series which first aired on ITV between 1968 and 1969. It was set around London's Newgate Prison in the 18th century.


Mar 09, 1991
Bergerac is a British television show set on Jersey. Produced by the BBC in association with the Seven Network, and first screened on BBC1, it stars John Nettles as the title character Detective Sergeant Jim Bergerac, a detective in Le Bureau des Étrangers, part of the States of Jersey Police.


Jun 26, 1970
Manhunt is a World War II drama series consisting of 26 episodes, produced by London Weekend Television in 1969 and broadcast nationwide.


May 01, 1988
Vétérans de la guerre du Viêt Nam, Thomas Magnum s'occupe de la sécurité du domaine d'Oahu, dans l'archipel d'Hawaii, propriété de l'écrivain Robin Masters. À la suite d'un pari perdu, l'auteur à succès lui laisse la jouissance des lieux ainsi que de sa Ferrari 308 GTS. Il devra partager le domaine avec Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, majordome britannique rigide, ancien soldat de l'armée des Indes, supportant mal la décontraction de Magnum et qui lui rendra la vie difficile avec ses deux dobermans, Zeus et Apollon. C'est un perpétuel choc culturel entre Magnum et lui. Magnum est désormais détective privé avec l'aide de ses deux amis, vétérans également, Terry « T.C » Calvin pilote d'hélicoptère, et Rick Wright, patron du « King Kamehameha Club » situé en bord de mer dont Robin Masters est également le propriétaire.
Action & Adventure


Mar 30, 1973
Cette série met en scène les mésaventures de Gene Bradley, un célèbre acteur de cinéma travaillant secrètement pour une agence gouvernementale américaine. Passé maître dans l'art du déguisement, il infiltre les milieux de la politique et des affaires à travers le monde.
Action & Adventure
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Nov 01, 1986
Véritable tête brûlée de la police de New York, le lieutenant James Dempsey voit son coéquipier Joey mourir lors d'une opération contre des trafiquants de drogue et découvre que sa hiérarchie est complètement corrompue. En danger, il décide de partir en Angleterre et intègre une unité spéciale de la police britannique. Sa collaboration avec sa nouvelle partenaire, la très noble et un peu snob Harriet Makepeace, fait très vite des étincelles...
Action & Adventure
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

May 09, 1988
Jason Bourne est amnésique ! Il ignore qui il est mais il se découvre rapidement des aptitudes étonnantes : il maîtrise les techniques de combat, le maniement des armes et sait faire preuve de sang-froid. Ce qui va lui être particulièrement utile vu que certaines personnes veulent sa peau...
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Nov 12, 1977
En 1999, la Terre entrepose ses déchets nucléaires sur la Lune où est déjà installée la base lunaire "Alpha". Le 13 septembre, une explosion de ces stocks provoque une telle réaction en chaîne que la Lune quitte l’orbite terrestre puis le système solaire. Dans l’incapacité de regagner la Terre, les 311 survivants commandés par le charismatique commandant Koenig, errent sur l’astre dans le cosmos et affrontent toutes sortes de dangers.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Dec 28, 1978
Jack Regan, an unethical officer of the Flying Squad, uses unorthodox methods to pursue criminals with the help of his partner, George Carter.
Action & Adventure
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Apr 11, 1994
Cette série met en scène les exploits du célèbre détective Sherlock Holmes, adaptés des romans et nouvelles de sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Mar 10, 1994
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Mar 10, 1994
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Aug 17, 1997
Pie in the Sky is a British offbeat police comedy drama programme starring Richard Griffiths and Maggie Steed, created by Andrew Payne and first broadcast in five series on BBC1 between 13 March 1994 and 17 August 1997 as well as being syndicated on other channels in other countries, including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The series departs slightly from other police dramas in that the protagonist, Henry Crabbe, while still being an on-duty policeman, is also the head chef of the title restaurant set in the fictional town of Middleton and county of Westershire.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Apr 27, 1986
A woman starts working for a prestigious pharmaceutical company that's developing a new miraculous cure. Soon, she discovers what a devious and cut-throat business pharmaceutical industry can be.