Carol Henry

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Quarante Tueurs

Quarante Tueurs

Sep 10, 1957
En 1880, en Arizona, le shérif fédéral Griff Bonnel est envoyé à Tombstone avec son frère Wes pour arrêter une bande de quarante hors-la-loi dirigée par la puissante Jessica Drummond.
La Ville de la vengeance
Mitch Baker quitte les services secrets où il travaille dans le but de mener une mission personnelle. Il se rend au Texas, dans la petite ville de Mission, où il compte bien venger la mort de son père.
La Trahison du Capitaine Porter
À la fin de la guerre de Sécession, la Géorgie et le Texas sont les derniers États du Sud à ne pas avoir encore rejoint l'Union. Les carpetbaggers, ces profiteurs de guerre venus du Nord, saignent le pays. Une partie de la population se soulève ce qui pousse les carpetbaggers à demander la protection de l'armée.
Fort Osage

Fort Osage

Feb 10, 1952
Fort Osage est une petite ville du Missouri située non loin du territoire des Indiens Osage. C’est la dernière halte pour les caravanes de pionniers avant qu’elles ne traversent les plaines de l’Ouest menant en Californie. Depuis quelques semaines, de nombreux émigrants sont bloqués dans cette bourgade, attendant l’arrivée de leur prochain guide, Tom Clay. Mais ce n’est qu’un prétexte car celui-ci pourrait facilement être remplacé.
Raton Pass

Raton Pass

Apr 07, 1951
Raton Pass is a curious western based on the rules of Community Property. Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal portray a recently married husband and wife, each of whom owns half of a huge cattle ranch. Neal is a tad more ambitious than her husband, and with the help of a little legal chicanery she tries to obtain Morgan's half of the spread. He balks, so she hires a few gunslingers to press the issue. In a 1951 western, the greedy party usually came to a sorry end; Raton Pass adheres strictly to tradition.
Le Chasseur de Daims

Le Chasseur de Daims

Sep 10, 1957
Au début de la colonie américaine, le vieux trappeur Tom Hutter vit avec ses deux filles dans un fort isolé flottant au milieu d'un lac. Tom qui mène sa vendetta contre les Indiens a provoqué la colère des Hurons : en effet, il fait son commerce non avec des fourrures mais des scalps ! Alors qu'il est attaqué par les Indiens, arrivent Deerslayer, un chasseur de daims, et son frère de sang Mohican, Chingachgook, qui lui viennent en aide....ils vont finir par apprendre le terrible secret ...
Across The Rio Grande

Across The Rio Grande

May 14, 1949
Outlaws attempting to kidnap Steve Blaine from a stagecoach are ran off by the sharpshooting of his sister, Sally and rescuers Jimmy Wakely and Cannonball Taylor. Steve is investigating his father's sudden death after charges of theft from the Sloan/Carson mine. Sloan is killed after Wakely learns that ore is being smuggled across the Mexican border into the mine, and then sold at the higher U.S. prices
Gun Runner

Gun Runner

Jan 30, 1949
Kate Diamond owns the Roaring Falls Trading Post from where she directs her gang's gun-smuggling to the Indians. After she short-changes smuggler Stacey, his men attempt to steal the hidden guns, and attack her foreman Nebraska, but he is saved by Jimmy and "Cannonball" on their way to file a homestead claim at Canyon City. Jimmy renews a long acquaintance with Sheriff Harris and his daughter Jessica. The sheriff is wounded by half-breed Danny when he finds a rifle hidden in the latter's wagon, but Jimmy captures the outlaw, a go-between for Kate and the Indians.Wounded and in bed, Sheriff Harris ask Jimmy not to tell Jessica that she is only adopted and that Nebraska is really her father, although he believes her to be dead.
The Rangers Ride

The Rangers Ride

Apr 25, 1948
Dans les années 1870, lors de la "Reconstruction, et après que le corps des rangers du Texas ai été dissous, une force de police a établie une "protection" qui n'est qu'un prétexte pour racketter la population du Texas. Les ex rangers Jimmy Wakely et Taylor refusent le racket et s'opposent à leur arrestation, ce qui fait d'eux des hors-la-loi.
Sur la piste de la grande caravane
Denver, en 1867. L'hiver approche alors que les stocks de whisky et de champagne de la ville sont presque épuisés. Le ravitaillement de la clientèle doit être assuré et l'on décide de faire venir un convoi spécial de quarante chariots de Julesburg qui devra affronter à la fois les Indiens et la ligue de tempérance dirigée par une énergique jeune veuve, Cora Templeton Massingale.
Winchester '73

Winchester '73

Jul 12, 1950
À Dodge City, Lin McAdam et son ami High Spade s'attardent devant la vitrine où est exposée la magnifique Winchester « perle rare », prochainement offerte au vainqueur du concours de tir. Le shérif, Wyatt Earp, les accueille et parvient à éviter que leur première rencontre avec l'homme qu'ils traquent, Dutch Henry Brown, ne tourne au duel. Le lendemain, lors du concours, Lin et Dutch s'affrontent. Après une démonstration de virtuosité, c'est Lin qui empoche la carabine. Aidé de ses complices, Dutch la lui vole. Lin et High Spade se lancent à sa poursuite. Pendant que Dutch se laisse dépouiller de sa carabine par un trafiquant d'armes, les deux amis, pourchassés par les Sioux, se réfugient dans un campement de soldats assiégés par les Indiens…
Arizona Territory

Arizona Territory

Jul 02, 1950
Prospector Jeff Malloy rescues Doris Devlin, owner of a trading post, from an ambush planned by her uncle, Kilburn, who is trying to scare her out of the territory so that he can continue his counterfeiting operations.
The Longhorn

The Longhorn

Nov 25, 1951
A double-crossing cowboy and his gang of henchmen steal cattle, even from friends, in this classic Western.
Range Land

Range Land

Dec 24, 1949
Bart Sheldon et sa bande volent des lingots d'or à Ben Allen, puis les refondent dans la mine sans valeur de Sheldon. Se faisant passer pour un hors-la-loi, Wilson s'introduit dans la mine de Sheldon, mais Doris Allen révèle son identité aux bandits.


Apr 09, 1950
Wilson and his saddle pal Andy Clyde come to the rescue of a group of ranchers who are being victimized by villain Ace Larabee (Douglas Kennedy). Ace has inside information that the railroad is coming through the territory, and he intends to grab up all the land and sell it to the train execs for a tidy profit.
Law of the Panhandle

Law of the Panhandle

Sep 17, 1950
Johnny Mack Brown follows his tried-and-true western formula in Law of the Panhandle. This time, U.S. Marshal Brown backs up Sheriff Tom Stocker (Riley Hill) in an ongoing battle against a marauding outlaw gang. The thieves, led by snarling Henry Faulkner (Myron Healey), hope to scare all the local ranchers off the land that will soon be purchased by the railroad that's coming through the territory.
Outlaw Gold

Outlaw Gold

Nov 26, 1950
Johnny Mack Brown dodges bullets while he tries to figure out who stole the Mexican gold and who killed the newspaper editor.
Gun Talk

Gun Talk

Dec 20, 1947
In this western, a hero prevents a stagecoach robbery and wins the respect and confidence of a mine owner and a pretty woman who is going west to see her sister. Two outlaws next try to jump the miner's claim.
Back Trail

Back Trail

Jul 18, 1948
Back Trail is one of the livelier entries in Monogram's Johnny Mack Brown western series. Brown rides into a small town where he becomes embroiled in a blackmail scheme. The town's banker (Ted Adams), a pillar of respectability, once served a jail term. Outlaw leader Pierce Lyden threatens to reveal Adams' secret if the banker doesn't let him know in advance when the gold shipments are going through. Adams tearfully tells Brown the whole story, whereupon Johnny rides shotgun on the next shipment himself. Back Trail was one of the last films directed by workhorse Christy Cabanne, whose career stretched all the way back to the D.W. Griffith days.
Gunning for Justice

Gunning for Justice

Nov 06, 1948
Three fellows band together to help a woman find her uncle's cache of gold in this western. All they have to help them is a tattered map that her uncle, a prisoner of war, created in camp. Unfortunately two badguys have the map and try to turn the three goodguys against the niece. They do not succeed and justice prevails.
Hidden Danger

Hidden Danger

Dec 12, 1948
Johnny and Banty come in contact with a cattlemen's protective organization. Ostensibly an honest venture, the association is the front for an extortion racket, headed by a gent named Carson.
Trails End

Trails End

Apr 02, 1949
Cowhand Drake discovers gold on the ranch of his boss, Joe Stuart and makes a deal with crooked lawyer Mel Porter to induce Stuart to sell. The latter refuses, and also orders Bill Cameron not to see his daughter Laurie again. Foreman Johnny Mack, after intervening, quits after he sees Stuart hit Laurie while quarreling over her proposed marriage to Cameron. Peddler Alibi Terhune witnesses the killing of Stuart by Clem Kettering, hired by Porter, and is taken prisoner. Cameron is blamed for Stuart's killing, escapes jail, but is persuaded by Johnny to go back and stand trial. Johnny rescues Alibi and the two work together on clearing Cameron's name, and bringing the real culprits to justice.
Cowboy Cavalier

Cowboy Cavalier

Jul 11, 1948
Jimmy Wakely and "Cannonball" Taylor protect shipments along a stage and freight line from villainous bandits.
Le Clown et l'Enfant

Le Clown et l'Enfant

Jan 21, 1960
Toby Tyler, un petit orphelin de 11 ans, vit chez son oncle et sa tante dans une grande pauvreté. Convaincu qu'il n'est pas le bienvenu, il parvient à se faire engager dans un cirque, de passage en ville. Très vite, il s'est fait engager comme vendeur d'arachide, de maïs soufflés, de pommes d'amour et de limonade où il découvre le monde des saltimbanques et se lie d'amitié ami avec Ben, l'homme à tout faire, Sam, le clown et son singe Mr Stubbs. Après la chute d'un garçon pratiquant la voltige, Toby doit le remplacer. Avec l'aide de ses amis Ben, Sam, Mr Stubb. et Jeanette, il devient vite un très bon cavalier et saura éblouir la foule.
Colt .45

Colt .45

May 27, 1950
Scott joue Steve Farrell, un vendeur Colt .45 qui a deux des fusils volés par Jason précieux Brett (Zachary Scott). Armé des pistolets, Brett commence un règne de la terreur, la tête d'une bande de voleurs et d'assassins.
Son of the Guardsman

Son of the Guardsman

Oct 23, 1946
David Trent is a nobleman who forms an outlaw group to combat his evil uncle Sir Edgar Bullard. The outlaws of Sherwood Forest are championing young Roger Mowbray, really Prince Richard, whose right to the throne is being usurped by an evil regent. 15 episode adventure serial.
Have Gun, Will Travel

Have Gun, Will Travel

Apr 20, 1963
Have Gun – Will Travel is an American Western television series that aired on CBS from 1957 through 1963. It was rated number three or number four in the Nielsen ratings every year of its first four seasons. It was one of the few television shows to spawn a successful radio version. The radio series debuted November 23, 1958. The television show is presently shown on the Encore-Western channel. Have Gun – Will Travel was created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadow and produced by Frank Pierson, Don Ingalls, Robert Sparks, and Julian Claman. There were 225 episodes of the TV series, 24 written by Gene Roddenberry. Other contributors included Bruce Geller, Harry Julian Fink, Don Brinkley and Irving Wallace. Andrew McLaglen directed 101 episodes and 19 were directed by series star Richard Boone.