Greg Horos

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Nov 22, 2000
Unique survivant d'une catastrophe ferroviaire à la périphérie de Philadelphie, David Dunn, un agent de sécurité à la vie des plus banales, s'interroge sur les raisons qui lui ont permis d'échapper à la mort et de sortir de ce cauchemar sans la moindre égratignure. Quelque temps plus tard, Elijah Price, un étrange personnage féru de bandes dessinées, prend contact avec David. Il souffre d'une fragilité du squelette qui l'oblige à rester au lit, le moindre choc pouvant lui causer une fracture. Price soumet à Dunn une théorie pour le moins surprenante. Cet homme aux os de verre serait inextricablement lié à Dunn qui, lui, n'a jamais contracté la moindre maladie de sa vie...
Caution to the Wind

Caution to the Wind

Mar 18, 2004
Summer, a teen prostitute has lived on the streets of Los Angeles most of her life. Living in a condemned apartment on the wrong side of the tracks with her naive boyfriend. Summer dreams of the day when she will leave town. After a bout with an abusive client and an altercation with a belligerent pimp, she finds a personal truth that cannot be ignored: There is always someone worth living for.
Train Ride

Train Ride

Feb 17, 2005
Three college seniors who are thinking about nothing but graduation and going out with a bang from college, harshly discover that a culmination of four years of hard work can lead to a permanent road to perdition after they decide to experiment with the knockout "date rape" drug on a vulnerable, impressionable, and very attractive freshman girl. Events quickly become a "Train Ride" for all parties involved, and end up spiraling out of control into a roller-coaster of unpredictable, virulent events that must be seen to be believed.