Martha Reyes Arias

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Mar 26, 2023
Martinez, an embittered Chilean in his sixties who has lived in Mexico for the past 40 years and is being forced to retire from his job. As he struggles with life changes, a neighbor suddenly dies and as he sifts through her diary and her things, he begins to live vicariously through her and find new meaning in life.
La otra Emma

La otra Emma

Oct 20, 2011
Overwhelmed by fury and delight, a woman burns her clothes, her photographs, and souvenirs. She cuts her hair, and in front of a mirror, chooses a new name: Emma. From hereon, she fabricates a new life for herself.
Los lobos

Los lobos

Jun 19, 2020
Max, 8 ans et Leo, 5 ans quittent le Mexique pour les Etats-Unis avec leur mère Lucia à la recherche d'une meilleure vie. Ils passent leurs journées à l'intérieur d'un petit appartement en attendant le retour de leur mère qui travaille sans relâche. Lucia leur fait la promesse de les emmener à Disneyland, rêve auquel ils s'accrochent durant leurs longues journées de solitude.


Sep 18, 2020
Jesús wakes up at his best friend's house without remembering anything about the night before. While he survives and conceals his infinite hangover, he will have to deal with the professional and personal successes of friends and strangers, as well as face obvious failure in the near future.
El Año del Radio

El Año del Radio

Mar 04, 2022
Mexico in the 90s. Alex, a 7 year-old boy and his little siblings are left in the care of senile Aunt Lola while their mother works as a host on a radio station. Alex misses his mother and along with his siblings, they listen to his mother’s show every night, building strange imaginary worlds through the stories they hear, the news, the radio soap operas and the religious influence of his great-aunt.
Nadie nos va a extrañar
Dans le Mexique des années 1990, avant la crise économique, cinq losers sont à la tête d'un commerce illégal dans leur lycée. La vente de devoirs à leurs camarades de classe leur apporte argent et popularité, mais les hormones et une mort inattendue risquent de tout saboter...