Ján Jackuliak

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Oct 22, 2022
The short film "Next" is a light dramedy that shows the afternoon shift of a fresh detective. Sketches of objects are accumulating on his wall, the thefts of which people are constantly coming to report to him. However, the light-hearted plot is followed by a serious conclusion, which reveals one of the current problems of today - a corrupt society. The period visuals of the set represent a mix of different periods, which adds timelessness to the idea itself.
Citlivý člověk

Citlivý člověk

Oct 12, 2023
This darkly grotesque drama unfolds on multiple paths. The tangible one, now cruel, now crazy, along which the nomadic actor "Dad Mour", his wife "Mum" and two sons try to return home, but also the imaginary one, even more, tortuous and dusty, on which the often impressive mental youth (or immaturity, a scrooge might say) is welded with life circumstances forcing the protagonist to wise up. An anxious and exuberant cinematic faerie about love, the fear of loneliness and the gaze of sons fixed on their fathers.


Oct 05, 2023
Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her illusions soon perish, as the dead body of a newborn intersex baby is found in the middle of their factory. Helena needs to find out what happened here for the safety of her own child, but she runs into her own prejudices.
Princezna zakletá v čase 2
It follows young alchemist Amélie as she acquires a magical power: partially influencing the flow of time. But she is split in time, and Amélie from the present meets Améliw from the past, who accompanies her every step of the way.


Mar 02, 2023
Two men, one in a stolen vehicle and the other drunk, drive along a backroad to avoid city traffic. Suddenly both cars collide with an SUV and they are unwittingly drawn into a game of survival with a deranged rifle-wielding assassin out for blood.
Špunti na vodě

Špunti na vodě

Apr 13, 2017
A family comedy about what happens when dads want to water without their precious halves.
Le Candidat

Le Candidat

Oct 10, 2013
À la veille d’élections présidentielles, Adam Lambert, avide propriétaire d’une agence publicitaire, parie avec son concurrent qu’il est capable de faire une star de n’importe qui, et qu’avec l’aide d’une habile campagne, il parviendra à faire élire le candidat le moins populaire.
Miss Hanoi

Miss Hanoi

Aug 09, 2018
Kriz, un policier expérimenté irascible et raciste, débarque dans une petite cité frontalière du nord de la Bohême pour élucider un homicide en lien avec un autre crime perpétré quatre ans plus tôt. Ses investigations le conduisent à pénétrer au sein de l’importante communauté vietnamienne de la ville, régie par ses propres règles. Il est assisté dans ses recherches par Ahn, une policière locale, qui connaissait bien les victimes.


May 03, 2012
When Michael, a successful theatre director learns that he suffers from an incurable disease, he resigns and goes to an abandoned cottage to write his memoirs. His life companion and a nurse stay by his side. They have a hard time trying to make the last days bearable of a man who seems to give up his life too easily. Until a charismatic young man shows up.
Přes prsty

Přes prsty

Aug 29, 2019
As two beach volleyball partners focus on personal matters and a championship tournament, a quirky figure disrupts their game on and off the court.
Malá Ríša

Malá Ríša

Nov 21, 2019
Guerre. Le soldat JACK abandonne son unité et retrouve sa femme Eva dans un village isolé dans les montagnes. Elle s'y est installée pour travailler dans une usine qui ignorait le propriétaire cruel BAR. La police secrète arrive et il semble que le temps de Jack et Eva soit écoulé.


Oct 31, 2019
Inspired by true events of the 1989 Czech and Slovak Velvet Revolution and Václav Havel's controversial release of 23000 prisoners. In addition to the story of three families affected by communist persecution, the film Amnesty also deals with the uprising of prisoners in Leopoldov, which required military intervention. The uprising was preceded by a broad amnesty granted by Václav Havel in January 1990, just a few days after his election as Czechoslovak president.
Jan Masaryk, histoire d'une trahison
Jan Masaryk est ambassadeur tchécoslovaque à Londres et est le fils de Tomas Masaryk, fondateur de la Tchécoslovaquie. Jan est un véritable patriote, pleinement engagé dans son travail, mais il n’est absolument pas reconnu par les milieux politiques, ce qui le laisse mener une vie de bohème dans l’ombre de l’héritage de son père. En 1938, il consultait déjà le docteur Stein dans un hôpital psychiatrique du New Jersey. C’était un homme sensible, qui abusait de l’alcool et des drogues, mais surtout, il était stressé et frustré face à son impuissance, ce qui lui a valu, d’après le film, d’être interné dans un hôpital psychiatrique.


Sep 15, 2022
Václav et Věra, mari et femme, peuvent-ils tenir leur promesse de toujours se soutenir mutuellement et ne pas dépasser leurs limites morales ? Et est-il même possible de tenir une telle promesse dans le contexte de l'année 1968 qui s'annonce ?
Kriminálka Kraj

Kriminálka Kraj

Nov 14, 2024
A crime drama series following the work of a fictional regional criminal police unit investigating cases in the unique Záhorie region. The show presents intriguing cases where ordinary people commit serious crimes but go to extraordinary lengths to carry them out or cover their tracks. The detective duo always finds themselves facing off against clever perpetrators.


May 24, 2024
Iveta veut être une chanteuse célèbre. Le voyage mène de la chorale d'enfants aux concours de chant, en passant par l'enregistrement du premier tube et du disque à la renommée nationale. Iveta doit convaincre parents, jurés, producteurs, spectateurs. Le seul qui croit en elle depuis le début est Petr Sepéši. Son premier amour. Quel est le prix d'un rêve devenu réalité ? Le début de l'histoire de la vie d'Iveta Bartošová.


Mar 13, 2021
Action & Adventure


Oct 09, 2023
Viktor Hudák, Prime Minister of a small European country, is ending his career in politics and returning to everyday life. However, when his successor radically overturns all the policies that he spent a lifetime building he quickly realises there is very little power in being an ex-Prime Minister.


May 14, 2022
Police negotiator Andrik faces accidentally kidnapper, former soldier Kornan, who keeps in hostage the Minister of Defence and Andrik pregnant partner Lena.
Action & Adventure
To se vysvětlí, soudruzi!
David (Jiří Macháček) has one task: to investigate paranormal cases. But he doesn't feel like it. It's the 1980s, and there are a lot of annoying people who call each other "comrade." He doesn't believe in anything paranormal anyway. He prefers to sit in his office, pretending to work on research into satanic references in Western music, and enjoys listening to LPs that no one else in the country has. The world would be beautiful, but his superior assigns him a new colleague, Vojta (Jan Cina). This overzealous newcomer talks about pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and how science doesn't have answers to all the mysteries of the world yet. This mismatched duo has no choice but to cooperate in investigating bizarre cases that all other security forces in the state can't handle. To make it harder, they are constantly monitored by a pair of StB agents – the tough agent Snížková (Anna Fialová) and the sweetheart Hora (Leoš Noha).
Nový život

Nový život

Jun 22, 2021
Three forty-year-olds friends, hockey player and football players, decide to end their sports careers at the same time. All three find themselves at the beginning of a new life and must choose the path they will take.


Dec 06, 2023


Oct 15, 2018
Finding the body of the regional politician Karas, killed in the spirit of medieval torture and carefully arranged in a strange scene, unleash police hunt for a sadistic perpetrator. He puts investigation team in the way of a complex series of murders that shake the local region and criminologists themselves.
Kriminálka Kraj

Kriminálka Kraj

Nov 14, 2024
A crime drama series following the work of a fictional regional criminal police unit investigating cases in the unique Záhorie region. The show presents intriguing cases where ordinary people commit serious crimes but go to extraordinary lengths to carry them out or cover their tracks. The detective duo always finds themselves facing off against clever perpetrators.


Jun 14, 2013
Vyprávěj je český televizní retroseriál vyráběný v koprodukci České televize a společnosti Dramedy Productions. Natáčení začalo v roce 2009 a první díl s názvem Od začátku byl uveden na programu ČT1 v pondělí 31. srpna 2009. Seriál je uváděn v týdenní periodicitě a stopáž každého dílu je cca 52 minut. Děj se odehrává v Československu a je zasazen do skutečných historických událostí, které ovlivňují příběhy jednotlivých postav. Dobovou atmosféru autoři navozují ukázkami z dobových Československých filmových týdeníků s původními komentáři, případně novým historizujícím komentářem, který namluvil Vladimír Fišer. Příběh je doprovázen hlasem vypravěče, který propůjčil herec Vojtěch Kotek a poté Matěj Hádek. Scénáře vznikají pod vedením scenáristy Rudolfa Merknera.