Jon Kralt

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Monster High 2

Monster High 2

Oct 05, 2023
Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura et Frankie Stein entrent en deuxième année à Monster High. Le pouvoir des trois amies est mis à l'épreuve alors qu'elles font face à des défis encore plus grands : de nouveaux étudiants, de nouveaux pouvoirs, des amitiés qui évoluent et une menace encore plus grande qui pourrait non seulement déchirer leur amitié, mais aussi changer le monde pour toujours. Un nouveau personnage va faire son apparition : Toralei, un chat-garou britannique fougueux.
Ice Target

Ice Target

Mar 18, 2003
Malgré tous ses efforts, Jimmy Coy ne peut échapper à sa pitoyable vie de criminel. Face aux pressions financières et au harcèlement constant de ses deux camarades de gang Remo et Derek, Jimmy accepte à contrecœur un contrat passé avec le magnat de la pègre. Sa mission : détruire un établissement de patinage artistique en vue. Mais les choses se compliquent lorsqu'il rencontre l'entraîneuse de patinage...
Assaut sur Wall Street
Jim jouit d'une vie paisible à New York. Une famille qui l'entoure et qui l'aime, un travail bien rémunéré. Mais lorsque l'économie s'effondre, Jim perd tout, même ses illusions. Il décide de se venger en attaquant le système par des moyens extrêmes.
Home Room

Home Room

Apr 12, 2002
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.
Le Cas 39

Le Cas 39

Aug 13, 2009
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.


Dec 25, 2003
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.
Hot Rod

Hot Rod

Aug 03, 2007
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.
Blade: Trinity

Blade: Trinity

Dec 08, 2004
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.


Jan 17, 2005
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.


May 14, 2014
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.


Jul 15, 2010
A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.
Rise of the Damned

Rise of the Damned

Jun 09, 2011
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!
Aliens vs. Predator : Requiem
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!


Jan 13, 2005
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!
L'Armée des Morts

L'Armée des Morts

Mar 19, 2004
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!
Une Journée à New York
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!


May 02, 2010
Many a man has been hanged on less evidence than there is for the Loch Ness Monster.
Hot Rod

Hot Rod

Aug 03, 2007
Many a man has been hanged on less evidence than there is for the Loch Ness Monster.
Halo 4 : L'Aube de l'espérance
Un groupe de jeunes cadets de bonne famille s'entraîne pour prendre le relais dans la guerre contre les insurgés des planètes coloniales extérieures. Thomas Lasky, une des nouvelles recrues, doute sur l'utilité de la guerre et sur ses propres capacités, malgré le fait qu'il soit pressenti pour une grande carrière de chef militaire. Les Covenants, une terrifiante alliance extraterrestre, débarquent et bousculent davantage ses idées. À l'image du Master Chief, il doit découvrir le sens de l'héroïsme.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Nov 19, 2020
Deux frères, Sam et Dean Winchester, chasseurs de créatures surnaturelles, sillonnent les États-Unis à bord d'une Chevrolet Impala noire de 1967 et enquêtent sur des phénomènes paranormaux (souvent issus du folklore, des superstitions, mythes et légendes urbaines américaines, mais aussi des monstres surnaturels tels que les fantômes, loups-garous, démons, vampires…).


Mar 26, 2012
302 prisonniers et gardiens de la célèbre prison d'Alcatraz disparaissent dans d'étranges circonstances en 1963. Cinquante ans plus tard, ils réapparaissent un à un à San Francisco de manière inexpliquée, sans avoir vieilli. Un agent du FBI, Rebecca Madsen, est alors chargé de mener l'enquête, aidé d'un geek spécialiste de la prison, Diego Soto, et d'un homme mystérieux au passé trouble nommé Emerson Hauser...


May 24, 2023
Jeune expert de la police scientifique de Central City, Barry Allen se retrouve doté d'une vitesse extraordinaire après avoir été frappé par la foudre. Sous le costume de Flash, il utilise ses nouveaux pouvoirs pour combattre le crime.


Nov 30, 2010
Caprica est une planète du système Cyrannus, siège des 12 Colonies. Son nom est dérivé de son ancien nom, celui d'avant la colonisation par une tribu de Kobol, Capricorne. En politique, sciences et arts, Caprica est considérée comme la capitale d'une galaxie en paix… ou presque. 58 ans avant le début de Battlestar Galactica, 2 familles y vivaient : les Graystone et les Adama. Deux familles dont les destins se croisent et se mélangent. Deux familles au coeur de la disparition prochaine de l'humanité…


Feb 07, 2001
Cade Foster découvre que des extraterrestres vivent sur Terre sous la forme de clones humains dans le but d'asservir l'humanité. Ces extraterrestres tuent son épouse et font croire qu'il est le meurtrier. Pourchassé par la police et une agence gouvernementale, Cade Foster découvre dans les prédictions de Nostradamus que trois vagues d'attaques conduiront à la destruction de l'humanité. La première, l'arrivée des extraterrestres sur Terre, a déjà eu lieu. Mais la prophétie parle d'un homme capable de les arrêter. Cade Foster est-il cet homme ?
Action & Adventure


Mar 12, 2023
Vingt ans après la destruction de la civilisation moderne, Joel, un survivant endurci, est engagé pour faire sortir Ellie, une jeune fille de 14 ans, d'une zone de quarantaine oppressante. Ce qui n'est au départ qu'un petit travail se transforme rapidement en un voyage brutal et époustouflant, alors que ce duo improbable dépend de l'autre pour sa survie.