Thomas Hobson

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Jun 24, 2022
“Laughing Lexi” has gone missing. As the tale unfolds, the story of what really happened becomes stranger than fiction.
The Fresh Beat Band: Wizard of Song
Marina isn't with the Fresh Beat Band anymore. Join Marina as she journeys down the Yellow Road to see the Wizard of Song with some familiar faces: Scarecrow (Twist), Tin Woman (Kiki), and Cowardly Lion (Shout). But these friends need to protect Marina from the Bad Witch to get her home to the Fresh Beat Band. Features the tv movie and two bonus episodes: Ghost Band and Chimps In Charge
Clubhouse Detectives

Clubhouse Detectives

Jan 01, 1996
Late one night, Billy and Kade Ruckman see their neighbor, Michael Chambers, murder a woman, but Chambers has a story all set to convince their mother Vicky, that it was just a rehearsal scene from an opera. The only ones who can help them find the body in Chambers' house before he moves and gets rid of all evidence, are their friends, Jimmy, Eddie, and J.J., who are determined to find the body before Chambers finds them.
Free Enterprise

Free Enterprise

Jun 04, 1998
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.
I'll Be Watching

I'll Be Watching

Jun 09, 2018
Après avoir échappé de peu aux griffes d'un harceleur mortel, une belle jeune femme s'enfuit dans une ville anonyme isolée où elle reconstruit sa vie et trouve l'homme de ses rêves - jusqu'à ce que l'homme de ses cauchemars la retrouve. Basé sur le roman The Purple Rose de Christi R. Walsh.
Rekindling Christmas

Rekindling Christmas

Dec 01, 2020
Annika Marshall is a single mother who has a heart broken every single time she's been in love. Christmas doesn't hold the same meaning for her anymore after all that she's been through and all she wants is to make it through the season without having a complete meltdown.
Stars Are Already Dead
After his mother's devastating death, Phoenix moves to LA where he meets two people change his life forever. Together they will pull each other out of the tragedy of their pasts and shine as stars in the darkness that surrounds their lives.
Wrapped Up in You

Wrapped Up in You

Dec 19, 2018
Christmas has always been Carter Pierce's favorite holiday. But with his partner, Dr. Vaughn Bennett, working crazy hours in the ER, it's difficult to make any kind of plans. So when Christmas Day rolls around, Carter expects it will be just another day when he wakes up. Little does he know that Vaughn has a huge surprise up his sleeve-one that will change their lives forever.


Mar 05, 2021
A couple lost in the woods stumbles across a mysterious cult who once harvested a strange, crimson, maple syrup with healing properties. The cult is on the brink of ruin as their crimson maple supply dwindles and their leader is left with some life or death decisions to make.
12 Hour Shift

12 Hour Shift

Oct 02, 2020
Mandy, une infirmière toxicomane de l'Arkansas, est complice de trafic d'organes. Durant une tournée de travail de 12 heures, Mandy confie à sa cousine un rein à livrer, celle ci le perd et tente par tous les moyens de trouver un rein de remplacement.
A Brother's Honor

A Brother's Honor

Sep 18, 2019
3 brothers are reunited after their grandfather suffers a heart attack. The Granger men, Jace, Caden and Dalton promise their dying grandfather that they will work together to save the family's failing business, Granger Aeronautics. The we brothers also find themselves banding together to find out who really killed their mother and subsequently, free their father, Sheppard who is serving a 30 year prison sentence for her murder. Family secrets, business mismanagement, intrigue and a little romance help to make this a great story.
Stone Fruit

Stone Fruit

Jul 17, 2020
A gay couple heads to Central Coast California to celebrate their newly-inked divorce with wine, sun, a threesome, and more wine.
All Boys Aren't Blue

All Boys Aren't Blue

Aug 13, 2021
Actors Bernard David Jones, Dyllon Burnside, Thomas Hobson, and Jenifer Lewis bring to life the words of Black non-binary author George Matthew Johnson’s transparent and sparkling memoir, aided by director Nathan Hale Williams’ visual poetry. Tackling issues of Black masculinity and Black queerness in relationship to Blackness, each character represents Johnson at different stages of their life, chronicling their story of growing up and challenging gender identity norms, as well as learning to adapt to HIV/AIDS.
The Fresh Beat Band

The Fresh Beat Band

Dec 07, 2013
The Fresh Beat Band is a children's TV show with original pop songs produced for Nick Jr. The Fresh Beats are Shout, Twist, Marina, and Kiki, described as four best friends in a band who go to music school together and love to sing and dance. The show was filmed at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, California. All episodes follow the same basic structure: ⁕Each episode begins with a song that foreshadows a problem that the band will solve. ⁕The band works together to solve the problem. ⁕When the problem is solved they perform a song with the problem and solution incorporated into the lyrics. ⁕Each episode concludes with a version of The Fresh Beat Band's closing song, "Great Day". ⁕The main characters dance to choreography by Mandy Moore; Sean Cheesman; Chuck Maldonado; Scotty Nguyen; Dreya Weber; Mary Ann Kellogg; Nakul Mahajan; Mihran Kirakosian; Susan Austin and Fred Tallaksen.
Lay Lay dans la place

Lay Lay dans la place

Mar 21, 2024
Sadie, une lycéenne singulière, jongle entre ses cours et un énorme secret lorsque son avatar de fille solaire s'incarne sous les traits de sa formidable amie Lay Lay.


Jun 04, 2020
Five years after her big break turned out to be a big flop, Grace Greene asks herself how much humiliation she's willing to endure for another chance to make it.
Esprits criminels

Esprits criminels

Aug 01, 2024
L'équipe des profilers étudie les comportements et les esprits torturés des criminels les plus dangereux du pays, afin d'anticiper les crimes d'un éventuel tueur. Chaque membre de cette unité d'élite a sa personnalité, son histoire mais aussi sa spécialité. Ils sont tous dépendants les uns des autres et les résultats dépendent aussi de cette complémentarité.
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine décrit les événements survenus au XXIVe siècle autour de la station spatiale de la Fédération, Deep Space Nine (anciennement Terok Nor), commandée par le capitaine Benjamin Sisko.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
NCIS : Los Angeles

NCIS : Los Angeles

May 21, 2023
Les enquêtes de l'équipe du NCIS de Los Angeles spécialisée dans les missions d'infiltration... Le bureau des cas spéciaux basé à Los Angeles est chargé d'appréhender les criminels qui menacent la sécurité de la Nation. Rien n'arrête l'équipe de l'OSP muni de fausses identités, de couverture et de technologies avancées.
Action & Adventure
Sherman's Showcase

Sherman's Showcase

Nov 30, 2022
Travel through time via music and comedy drawn from the forty-year library of the legendary, but fictional, musical variety show called “Sherman's Showcase.”
Campus Show

Campus Show

Jul 09, 1993
Denise Huxtable a quitté sa famille pour intégrer l'université : c'est pour elle le début d'une nouvelle vie où, affranchie de ses parents, elle doit faire face à de nouvelles responsabilités.


Nov 21, 2024
Du service d'appels d'urgences 911 aux pompiers, secouristes ou policiers, tous ces intervenants sont constamment sous pression, confrontés quotidiennement à des situations stupéfiantes, effrayantes, et parfois même choquantes. S'ils ont pour mission de voler au secours des personnes en danger, ces héros de l'ombre doivent aussi trouver le temps de résoudre les problèmes de leurs propres vies...
Adventures in Wonderland
Adventures in Wonderland is a live-action musical television series based on Walt Disney's animated classic Alice in Wonderland. In the series, Alice, was portrayed as a girl who can go to and from Wonderland simply by walking through her mirror.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy