Bakyt Osmonkanov

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В поисках мамы
A precocious orphan from Central Asia comes to America to find his long lost mother. Along the way he befriends a down on his luck small time hustler, and together they set in motion a daring scheme to solve all their problems. However, things don't go according to plan.
Аяш 2

Аяш 2

Nov 03, 2022
The continuation of the family comedy. The Koichubekov family travels to Osh to attend Katya's father's 60th birthday party this time. As is customary, they bring their neighbors Bakyt and Kanykey with them. All the interesting events begin at the 60th birthday party. Because this time Sapar's children join the special relationship between Sapar and his mother-in-law.


Oct 28, 2021
Bakyt and Kanykei are getting a divorce. But to get a divorce, they must go to Issyk-Kul since they are registered there. Their car breaks down in the yard of their house, and the Koichubekov family, who were also going there, comes to their rescue and offers to take them. They are forced to agree because they have lost a lot of time. The only problem is that the Koichubekovs are not an ordinary family! It will be a long road!
Аяш 3

Аяш 3

Oct 19, 2023
This time, Asanov and Koichubekov are going to Talas for a wedding. To shorten the journey, they chose to go through Kazakhstan. But as soon as they enter Kazakhstan, problems begin. Of course, it's all for Sapar.
Аяш 4

Аяш 4

Oct 31, 2024
This time, Sapar and Katya are planning a crazy trip to distant India. Naturally, they invite their friends to fly with them. Bakyt would be happy to refuse, but Sapar helps him out in a difficult situation, and now he is forced to accept their invitation. Not only does the trip initially foreshadow a bunch of problems due to the inadequacy of the neighbors, but Sapar also takes his mother-in-law with him. How it all ends, watch in the cinemas!
Родной 2

Родной 2

Feb 01, 2024
A little over a year has passed, Sapar and Katya are expecting their second child, and Aidos and Aliya are raising their son. Everything seemed to be fine — until the Ospanov family got ready to go on the road for the anniversary of Katya's father. Once again, they persuaded Aidos and Aliya to keep them cheerful company on the way. But Aidos finds out right before departure that the anniversary will take place not in Zhalanash, but in Shymkent! After pitiful persuasion, Aidos nevertheless decides on this adventure on the condition that this time Sapar will not get into trouble again and will not do stupid things.


Mar 23, 2023
Aidos and Aliya want to divorce after several years of marriage. But suddenly it turns out that they have to divorce where the marriage was registered, that is, in Zharkent. When the couple wanted to leave, it turned out that the transport was in a faulty condition. Just at this moment, they meet their neighbors, the Zhandarbekov family, who are also going to Zharkent to collect apricots. After learning about the neighbors' problem, Zhandarbekova kindly offered to give them a ride.
В поисках мамы
The main character is a 12-year-old boy who goes in search of his mother and on this journey he meets a 27-year-old guy who helps him grow up. Remake of the Kyrgyz film
Аяш 2

Аяш 2

Nov 03, 2022
The continuation of the family comedy. The Koichubekov family travels to Osh to attend Katya's father's 60th birthday party this time. As is customary, they bring their neighbors Bakyt and Kanykey with them. All the interesting events begin at the 60th birthday party. Because this time Sapar's children join the special relationship between Sapar and his mother-in-law.


Oct 28, 2021
Bakyt and Kanykei are getting a divorce. But to get a divorce, they must go to Issyk-Kul since they are registered there. Their car breaks down in the yard of their house, and the Koichubekov family, who were also going there, comes to their rescue and offers to take them. They are forced to agree because they have lost a lot of time. The only problem is that the Koichubekovs are not an ordinary family! It will be a long road!
Аяш 3

Аяш 3

Oct 19, 2023
This time, Asanov and Koichubekov are going to Talas for a wedding. To shorten the journey, they chose to go through Kazakhstan. But as soon as they enter Kazakhstan, problems begin. Of course, it's all for Sapar.
Аяш 4

Аяш 4

Oct 31, 2024
This time, Sapar and Katya are planning a crazy trip to distant India. Naturally, they invite their friends to fly with them. Bakyt would be happy to refuse, but Sapar helps him out in a difficult situation, and now he is forced to accept their invitation. Not only does the trip initially foreshadow a bunch of problems due to the inadequacy of the neighbors, but Sapar also takes his mother-in-law with him. How it all ends, watch in the cinemas!