Евгений Дворжецкий

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Le Barbier de Sibérie
En 1885, un inventeur fou imagine une machine à déboiser qui faciliterait l'exploitation des immenses forêts de Sibérie. Pour obtenir l'approbation du tsar, l'inventeur utilise le charme d'une jeune femme, qui doit approcher un général, commandant l'école des cadets de l'armée russe et membre de la commission technique qui pourrait faire accepter le projet. C'est le début d'une terrible histoire d'amour et de déportation sur fond de mise en scène des Noces de Figaro, de Mozart, « un grand compositeur ».
Узник замка Иф
A Russian version of the classic Alexandre Dumas novel. Edmond Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. While imprisoned, he meets the Abbe Faria, a fellow prisoner whom everyone believes to be mad. The Abbe tells Edmond of a fantastic treasure hidden away on a tiny island, that only he knows the location of. After many years in prison, the old Abbe dies, and Edmond escapes disguised as the dead body. Now free, Edmond must find the treasure the Abbe told him of, so he can use the new-found wealth to exact revenge on those who have wronged him


Jul 01, 1989
Once upon a time there lived a young man who served where “enemy voices” were suppressed, wrote, and wanted to make a film. It seemed to him that complete freedom was needed in order not to let his abilities die out, so that there were no obstacles to creativity.


Mar 01, 1997
Dans une banlieue défavorisée, Zoé et son petit frère Théo sont livrés à eux-mêmes. À l'aube de l'adolescence, Zoé est une boule de colère à fleur de peau, hantée par une terreur intime. Théo, encore puéril, fuit la réalité dans un imaginaire fantastique. Le temps d'une journée d'été caniculaire, les deux enfants vont devoir crever l'abcès de leur relation pour ne pas se perdre l'un l'autre.


May 17, 1987
A 4-partmade-for-television feature film. Two young physicists, engaged in the problems of atmospheric electricity and the study of thunderstorm phenomena, both disciples of Professor Dankevich, a talented, straightforward, incorruptible man, unwavering in his principles. Dankevich endeavored to instill this uncompromising fight for honesty in science to the young scientists. And one of them, Sergey Krylov, lives up to the professor's expectations by continuing his work...
People from all over the area and even from all over the country come to Maximilian, who lives in a quiet rural area, for advice. Maximilian is known as a prophet and sorcerer. For example, he is able to give out the methodology for the election campaign. This is why a candidate for deputy named Kutergin comes to him. Here he organizes proper work to receive the population. Disappointed with such a life, Maximilian climbs onto an iron cage in a field and waits for a revelation, a conversation with the Lord. He is declared a stylite; Hare Krishnas, communists, democrats and other crazy people come from all over. And Maximilian suddenly realizes that he must return to the city to his wife, to whom he promised five years ago that he would quit drinking, and leaves his “pillar”. Maximilian left, and his place was taken by Kutergin, who believed in the miracle.
Двадцать шесть дней из жизни Достоевского
Twenty-Six Days in the Life of Dostoyevsky was entered on February 16th at the 1981 Berlin Film Festival to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Dostoyevsky's death on February 9th, 1881, and won a "Best Actor" award for Anatoly Solonitsyn as Dostoyevsky. Solonitsyn was a favorite actor in Andrei Tarkovsky's films, and this was to be his penultimate role. This brief imaginary period in the famed Russian writer's life encapsulates one of his darker moments in 1866. At that time he was still a relatively unknown writer whose first widely acclaimed work, Crime and Punishment, was just on the horizon. His life was at a very low ebb as he struggled with debts he could not pay, and as he fought depression over the loss of his wife to tuberculosis, and the death of his brother, who was very close to him. His first literary journal had to be scrapped because of political reasons, and the second venture needed funding.
Нежный возраст
Kir Lopukhov and Alyosha Mamykin are classmates who have just received a certificate of maturity. The war began and the guys, without hesitation, also act together in the same artillery special school. They are given just three days to visit the front, for which there is so much to be done! Say goodbye to your Sokolniki. Find classmates. And Kira - by all means learn about the fate of her beloved girl Olya. True, she was evacuated, but according to rumors, she returned to the capital to go to university.
Jour de colère

Jour de colère

Sep 09, 1985
Un journaliste et réalisateur connu a l'idée d'aller explorer une vallée fermée très peu connue, accessible seulement en hélicoptère, et transformée en réserve naturelle, même si quelques fermes y survivent chichement. Il est accompagné d'un garde forestier revêche, hostile à son travail, qui le surveille autant qu'il l'aide. Mais, bientôt, durant leurs pérégrinations, ils en viennent à côtoyer une race de créatures parlantes, mais non humaines, les Otarks, qui semblent enlever les enfants des fermiers pour leur faire subir un lavage de cerveau. Qui sont ces êtres, et quel est leur but ?
Мечты идиота
The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! New time requires a new image of the Turkish national Ostap Bender. He still selflessly loves money. As in the days of the NEP, his big blue dream remains white pants and distant Rio de Janeiro. His methods of achieving the goal are still the same - honest taking money from citizens.
Хаги – Траггер
According to ancient legend, the artist found a mineral that can revive any inanimate thing. To hide the mineral, he inserts it into a doll named Hagi. A century later, Hagi falls into the hands of a puppeteer, and he with horror discovers that the old doll is alive. Moreover, she also has a nasty character. Criminals try to take possession of it in order to use it for mercenary purposes. But they do not know the secrets of this doll - no one can take possession of it, but it has a destructive effect on any person who falls within its influence.
Prisonnier du Château d'If
A la veille de son mariage avec sa bien-aimée, Edmond Dantès, sur de fausses accusations, devient prisonnier du sombre Château d'If. Ici, il devra languir jusqu'à la fin de ses jours, mais une détermination désespérée pour se sauver et une chance chanceuse l'aideront à s'en sortir. Devenu fabuleusement riche et devenu comte de Monte-Cristo, il commence à se venger...