Britta Steffenhagen

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Les mystères d’un papyrus égyptien
Vieux d’environ 3 500 ans, le papyrus Ebers est considéré comme le plus ancien traité médical au monde. Quand, en 1873, l’égyptologue allemand Georg Ebers s’aventure sur le Nil pour le retrouver à Louxor – l’ancienne Thèbes, capitale des pharaons –, l’existence du précieux document ne relève encore que de la rumeur. Mandaté pour rédiger, au fil de son périple, le tout premier guide touristique de l’Égypte, le savant de Leipzig écume les bazars, théâtres déjà de tous les trafics d’antiquités, consignant dans son journal les étapes de sa quête. Finalement livré au public en 1875 et conservé depuis à la bibliothèque universitaire de Leipzig, ce rouleau long de plus de 18 mètres contient quelque 877 remèdes antiques pour traiter la chute de cheveux, la toux, les affections oculaires et cardiaques ou encore les problèmes de digestion.
Freddy Eddy

Freddy Eddy

Feb 01, 2018
Painter Freddy lives with his wife and child on Lake Tegernsee and is working on his comeback until one day his life suddenly turns upside down: He is accused of beating up his wife and as a result of which he is said to have custody of his eight-year-old son withdrawn . But Freddy can not remember having committed the alleged acts and protests his innocence. In this grave crisis, Eddy appears, Freddy's childhood friend. Both look confusingly alike and Eddy immediately begins to interfere in Freddy's life, in which worse things happen. Only Freddy knows that he has a doppelganger, an imaginary one at that - how is he supposed to convince those around him that it is Eddy who is to blame for all the disasters? Freddy is slowly losing control of his life...


Oct 25, 2024
The documentary addresses the questions, who are the film industry’s female faces? What are their voices, which experiences have they had, and above all: What do they wish for the future? In an interview format, the documentary focuses on the protagonists and their individual experiences. The ensemble includes nearly 30 actors, writers, directors, and producers. By means of personal conversations, the audience gains an intense and authentic insight into the lives of those working in film. During the filming in the following year, male-diverse participants were also invited to create a multifaceted discourse. The topics include structural and individual issues such as gender equality, power structures, female diversity, and much more. In dialogue with the participants, the documentary looks toward the future: Where are there promising approaches already, where are the opportunities for (self-)empowerment, and how can we initiate change, both individually and collectively?
Biscuit Tin Blues

Biscuit Tin Blues

Sep 28, 2024
Kell and Joe, two one-time band mates, meet again in Berlin after the death of their former lead singer and mutual lover Viv. To honor her last wish and pay their respects, they embark on a road trip through the German provinces to her hometown on the banks of the river Rhine.
Cœurs en thérapie

Cœurs en thérapie

Feb 13, 2024
Afin de rédiger un article, un journaliste sceptique participe contre son gré à une thérapie pour cœur brisé… et finit par ouvrir le sien à la charmante psychologue.
Jenseits der Spree

Jenseits der Spree

Dec 13, 2024
Après une intervention de la police berlinoise qui a mal tourné, Robert Heffler décide de reprendre du service dans le quartier de Berlin-Köpenick.
Where's Wanda?

Where's Wanda?

Nov 13, 2024
Suite à la disparition de leur fille, les Klatt décident de prendre les choses en main et élaborent un plan insensé : espionner le voisinage. Les apprentis espions vont mettre au jour une kyrielle de secrets stupéfiants.