Andrew Schlessinger

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Jul 15, 2022
A short film about the struggles of a 40-year-old actress and the problems she endures while auditioning, due to the fact that ageism, and how many followers you have, is a judgement for talent.
The Artist

The Artist

Oct 12, 2011
Hollywood 1927. George Valentin est une vedette du cinéma muet à qui tout sourit. L’arrivée des films parlants va le faire sombrer dans l’oubli. Peppy Miller, jeune figurante, va elle, être propulsée au firmament des stars.
Physical Science For Children - All About Magnets
In All About Magnets, kids explore what makes something "magnetic" and learn that while magnets come in many different shapes and sizes, they all have two things in common -- a north and south pole. They discover that opposites attract and likes repel, and how this concept is used to propel the unique "Bullet Train,"which is able to move at high speeds without touching the train tracks! The program also explains magnetic fields and introduces electromagnets __ dramatically demonstrated by a scrapyard crane lifting tons of metal high in the air. Also included is a fun activity that illustrates how kids can use a magnet to remove iron from fortified breakfast cereals. This program is based on the concepts outlined in the National Science Education Standards for Physical Science.
Death Valley

Death Valley

Nov 21, 2011
Les exploits d'une unité des forces spéciales de la police de Los Angeles, fondée en 2009 lorsque la vallée de San Fernando a été envahie par des zombies, des vampires et des loups-garous. Alors que les scientifiques cherchent encore une réponse à la cause de ce chaos, les membres de cette équipe d'intervention sont chargés d'éradiquer les monstres, ou du moins les contenir dans la vallée.