Elizabeth Lindsey

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Le Corrupteur

Le Corrupteur

Mar 12, 1999
Danny Wallace est nommé comme coéquipier de Nick Chen, policier apprecié, rusé, efficace et introduit dans le milieu des triades, la très puissante mafia chinoise de New York. La rencontre entre les deux hommes tourne à la confrontation car Wallace est bien décidé à nettoyer le quartier des gangs chinois. Pour Chen, il représente un fardeau, un élément à former et une cible idéale pour Bobby Vu et sa bande de tueurs. Mais les liens douteux qu'entretient Chen avec Henry Lee, baron des triades, commencent à attiser la curiosité des pontes du FBI.


May 15, 1998
Le sénateur Jay Bulworth est au bout du rouleau. Il ne croit plus en ses discours et entame sa dernière campagne électorale dans un piteux état. Il décide alors d'engager un tueur à gages pour le supprimer et contracte une assurance vie de dix millions de dollars au profit de sa fille. N'ayant désormais plus rien à perdre, Bulworth abandonne la langue de bois et stupéfie les électeurs. Reprenant peu à peu goût à la vie, il cherche à annuler le contrat, mais son intermédiaire tombe dans le coma…
Blood & Orchids

Blood & Orchids

Feb 23, 1986
Hester Murdoch is found naked and nearly beaten to death by four young Hawaiian men on the beach and taken to the hospital. Some of the men didn't want to get involved, fearing they might be blamed, because she was white, but do so anyway. Almost immediately everyone suspects they are to blame. When Hester's politically influential mother Doris finds out what really happened, she fearing a scandal, forces her daughter to blame the men who rescued her, of raping and beating her. It's up to detective Curt Maddox, to find out what really happened, and their Hawaiian lawyer to do the impossible. Convince a white court of law, that they are innocent.
Et plus si affinités

Et plus si affinités

Aug 21, 1998
Une jeune infirmiere de nuit, Erin, vient d'etre quittee par son petit ami. Sa mere, bien intentionnee mais envahissante, passe une petite annonce. Sa fille, consternee, lui repond qu'avant de chercher un compagnon, elle cherche a se retrouver elle-meme. Mais lorsque les messages s'accumulent sur son repondeur, la curiosite l'emporte. Alan qui vit de l'autre cote de la ville est un ancien plombier qui fait du volontariat a l'aquarium municipal. Il essaie, lui aussi, de donner une nouvelle orientation a sa vie.
Challenge of a Lifetime
Nora Scoonover is 35, divorced, in debt and going nowhere when her 16 year-old son, Steven, runs away from camp and asks to spend the summer with her. Together they decide that she will enter the Ironman Triathlon competition in Hawaii, although she has not done any running since high school. The experience brings them together.
Mauna Kea: Temple Under Siege
Although the mountain volcano Mauna Kea last erupted around 4,000 years ago, it is still hot today, the center of a burning controversy over whether its summit should be used for astronomical observatories or preserved as a cultural landscape sacred to the Hawaiian people. For five years the documentary production team Nā Maka o ka 'Āina ("the eyes of the land") captured on video the seasonal moods of Mauna Kea's unique 14,000-foot summit, the richly varied ecosystems that extend from sea level to alpine zone, the legends and stories that reveal the mountain's geologic and cultural history, and the political turbulence surrounding the efforts to protect the most significant temple in the islands: the mountain itself.
Then There Were None

Then There Were None

Jan 01, 1996
More than half a million native Hawaiians were living in the islands at the time of European contact in 1778. Within 50 years, that population was cut in half as Western diseases claimed thousands of lives. A litany of events followed: American missionaries preached unfamiliar ideas and customs; sugarcane and pineapple plantations absorbed individual farmlands; waves of immigrant workers arrived, making Hawaiians a minority in their own land; and WWII brought a lasting military presence. University of Hawai'i sociologists estimate that the extinction of full-blooded Hawaiians could come within the next 45 years. This compelling story of a race displaced and now on the verge of extinction is brilliantly told in this award-winning documentary created by the great-granddaughter of Hawaiian high chiefs and English seafarers.
Then There Were None

Then There Were None

Jan 01, 1996
More than half a million native Hawaiians were living in the islands at the time of European contact in 1778. Within 50 years, that population was cut in half as Western diseases claimed thousands of lives. A litany of events followed: American missionaries preached unfamiliar ideas and customs; sugarcane and pineapple plantations absorbed individual farmlands; waves of immigrant workers arrived, making Hawaiians a minority in their own land; and WWII brought a lasting military presence. University of Hawai'i sociologists estimate that the extinction of full-blooded Hawaiians could come within the next 45 years. This compelling story of a race displaced and now on the verge of extinction is brilliantly told in this award-winning documentary created by the great-granddaughter of Hawaiian high chiefs and English seafarers.


Apr 04, 1986
Les exploits d'un chevalier solitaire dans un monde dangereux. Le chevalier et sa monture. Un héros des temps modernes, dernier recours des innocents, des sans espoir, victimes d'un monde cruel et impitoyable. Michael Knight sillonne les routes américaines au volant de Kitt, sa voiture intelligente et indestructible, pour combattre les injustices et venir en aide aux innocents.
Action & Adventure
Fantasy Island

Fantasy Island

Jan 23, 1999
Mr. Roarke and his three assistants run a tropical paradise where guests come in to have their wildest dreams and fantasies come true.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


May 01, 1988
Vétérans de la guerre du Viêt Nam, Thomas Magnum s'occupe de la sécurité du domaine d'Oahu, dans l'archipel d'Hawaii, propriété de l'écrivain Robin Masters. À la suite d'un pari perdu, l'auteur à succès lui laisse la jouissance des lieux ainsi que de sa Ferrari 308 GTS. Il devra partager le domaine avec Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, majordome britannique rigide, ancien soldat de l'armée des Indes, supportant mal la décontraction de Magnum et qui lui rendra la vie difficile avec ses deux dobermans, Zeus et Apollon. C'est un perpétuel choc culturel entre Magnum et lui. Magnum est désormais détective privé avec l'aide de ses deux amis, vétérans également, Terry « T.C » Calvin pilote d'hélicoptère, et Rick Wright, patron du « King Kamehameha Club » situé en bord de mer dont Robin Masters est également le propriétaire.
Action & Adventure