Joel Meyerowitz

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Jun 22, 1999


Pop chronicles the journey of three generations of Meyerowitz men on a road trip from Florida to the Bronx, in exploration of their familial roots. Joel’s father, Hy, is battling Alzheimer’s disease and so they embark on a “quest to see if, along the way, the adventures and experiences we would have could stimulate his now rapidly failing memory.” The film directed and produced by our Joel Meyerowitz. It is touching, funny, poignant, and beautifully captures the strength of intimacy between fathers and sons.
À la recherche de Vivian Maier
L’incroyable histoire d’une mystérieuse inconnue, photographe reconnue aujourd’hui comme l’une des plus grandes Street Photographers du 20ème siècle. Née à New York, d’une mère française, avant de résider à Chicago, Vivian Maier était inséparable de son Rolleiflex et prit tout au long de son existence plus de 100 000 photographies sans jamais les montrer. Pour être libre d’exercer son art quand elle le voulait, Vivian Maier fut une nanny excentrique toute sa vie. ..
Everybody Street : La photo de rue new-yorkaise
La réalisatrice et photographe Cheryl Dunn a filmé pendant 9 ans le travail de photographes de renom dont Elliott Erwitt, Joel Meyerowitz, Ricky Powell ou encore Martha Cooper. On y découvre le travail de ces passionnés de la photographie de rue qui portent un intérêt à New York, une ville cosmopolite, véritable source d'inspirations qui donnent lieu à des rencontres insolites.


Jun 22, 1999


Pop chronicles the journey of three generations of Meyerowitz men on a road trip from Florida to the Bronx, in exploration of their familial roots. Joel’s father, Hy, is battling Alzheimer’s disease and so they embark on a “quest to see if, along the way, the adventures and experiences we would have could stimulate his now rapidly failing memory.” The film directed and produced by our Joel Meyerowitz. It is touching, funny, poignant, and beautifully captures the strength of intimacy between fathers and sons.


Jun 22, 1999


Pop chronicles the journey of three generations of Meyerowitz men on a road trip from Florida to the Bronx, in exploration of their familial roots. Joel’s father, Hy, is battling Alzheimer’s disease and so they embark on a “quest to see if, along the way, the adventures and experiences we would have could stimulate his now rapidly failing memory.” The film directed and produced by our Joel Meyerowitz. It is touching, funny, poignant, and beautifully captures the strength of intimacy between fathers and sons.