Ginger Tam

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VeggieTales: Rack, Shack & Benny
There's trouble brewing at the Nezzer Chocolate Factory! To celebrate the sale of two million chocolate bunnies, company president Nebby K. Nezzer announces that his workers may eat as many bunnies as they like! This sounds great, until three boys named Rack, Shack and Benny remember that their parents taught them not to eat too much candy. By paralleling the Biblical story of Sadrach, Meschach and Abednego and the fiery furnace, "Rack, Shack, & Benny" teaches kids how to resist peer pressure and stand up for what they believe in. Kids of all ages will love the songs, humor and dazzling 3D computer animation of VeggieTales!
À la recherche de Vivian Maier
L’incroyable histoire d’une mystérieuse inconnue, photographe reconnue aujourd’hui comme l’une des plus grandes Street Photographers du 20ème siècle. Née à New York, d’une mère française, avant de résider à Chicago, Vivian Maier était inséparable de son Rolleiflex et prit tout au long de son existence plus de 100 000 photographies sans jamais les montrer. Pour être libre d’exercer son art quand elle le voulait, Vivian Maier fut une nanny excentrique toute sa vie. ..