In a world where oxygen is commodified, a young black man races against the clock to get clean air for his family from the wealthy family whom he works for.
Behind the closed doors of a suburban American house, a tumultuous storm brews when Gus finds himself consumed by lust for Henrietta, his older aloof cohabitant.
Une compilation d'horreur primée à plusieurs reprises inspirée des 9 cercles de l'enfer de Dante. 9 cinéastes divers proposent un mélange tordu et à petit budget de sang et de violence, de comédie et de carnage, de créatures démoniaques et de terreurs du monde réel, de commentaires sociaux et de folie WTF !
Un informaticien pilote de drones est placé sur une liste d'élimination en raison de ses croyances religieuses. Sa sœur et lui sont poursuivis par des super soldats, appelés les Effaceurs, qui doivent les capturer morts ou vifs.
An immature father and his still-living-at-home-thirty-year-old son embark on a prank war that spirals horribly out of control, forcing the two men to confront their intertwined arrested development.
We meet Dr. Stevens, a psychiatrist, on her first day back to work since burying her sister. Tasked with paying a visit to a radically religious family who believe their mother is possessed.
A man living in a black and white world must learn to bring color to his life and the lives of those around him. Directors
G. Brian BensonNye Green
G. Brian Benson
Charles AbernathyVarda AppletonBobak Bakhtiari
Sally Ride's groundbreaking journey as the first American woman in space concealed a deeply personal story. Her life partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy, unveils their covert 27-year romance and its accompanying sacrifices.