Eric Kohner

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Sex and the Single Alien
Harry Smith is your typical sexually-unfulfilled husband whose wife Olivia is more interested in UFOs than in him. With the help of his friend Sam, Harry makes Olivia believe that he has been abducted by aliens, when really he has an affair with the new dancer at the strip club which he and his wife own. But the tables are turned when Harry really is abducted by aliens, and they give him the remarkable ability to bring a woman to orgasm simply by looking at her.
Sexual Outlaws

Sexual Outlaws

Jun 29, 1994
Behind their conservative middle-class exterior, a young couple runs a highly successful sex fantasy magazine. Ironically, to spice up their marriage, the wife responds to a fantasy ad submitted to a magazine, but her new penpal is the prime suspect in a brutal murder.


May 03, 1995
Panther est un film semi-historique sur les origines du Black Panther Party pour l'auto-défense. Le film couvre environ 3 ans (1966-68) de l'histoire du Black Panther à Oakland. Panther utilise également des séquences historiques (B / W) pour mettre l'accent sur certains points.
Street Wars

Street Wars

Apr 01, 1991
A young man takes over as the head of a crack dealing outfit after his brother, the gang's leader, is murdered.


Aug 24, 1989
Robert McCall, agent des services secrets américains à la retraite, tente de racheter ses actions passées en offrant (presque) gratuitement ses services aux plus démunis face aux criminels de toutes sortes.
Action & Adventure