Thursday Farrar

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Nov 01, 2018
Adrian Irons -- a razor-witted, bisexual, self-destructive standardized patient -- uses his unique ability to recreate the symptoms of any disease to help train new doctors. Things get messy, however, when the symptoms start to stick.
For you, Paige

For you, Paige

Apr 14, 2022
The story follows teenage music nerd Landon (played by Roman Banks) as he collaborates with his best friend Paige (played by Sri Ramesh) on a TikTok song inspired by her favorite book series. Landon’s TikTok goes viral, thrusting him into the spotlight — and leaving Paige behind. When a producer offers Landon the opportunity to adapt the book series into a musical, Landon discovers that the glory of doing it all himself isn’t worth the stress and enlists the help of Paige and the TikTok community to turn the show into a huge success. For You Paige was influenced by TikTok culture and features many references to TikTok trends and communities. The development and production processes were documented on TikTok by creator Daniel Mertzluff, along with the show’s cast and crew. The musical premiered live at a theater in New York City on April 14, 2022.
Darla in Space

Darla in Space

Sep 27, 2024
Darla owes the IRS $349,000.22. Her burgeoning business Kitty Kasket will never generate that kind of revenue in one month. Enter Mother; your typical sentient yeast mass who grants mind-blowing orgasms. Will she be willing to help?
Across the Tracks

Across the Tracks

Mar 01, 2015
Tara and Ella Hines are sisters living very different lives. Tara is a big city architect with a fighting spirit that has brought her great success. Ella, a few years younger, never left the hometown of their youth and has been the primary caretaker of the family. Estranged for 40 years, they are brought together finally with the death of their mother. Through a series of flashbacks, their childhood in rural 1960s Georgia unfolds. The "Coloreds only" bathroom and side entrance to shops. The train tracks that separated the town by skin color. We see them navigate this world full of inferiority and bullying, ultimately leading to Ella's decision to become white. As the sisters lay their mother to rest, the past rises up to meet them and we're finally shown the moment that tore their family apart.


Jun 02, 2023
Le vol Montego 828 à destination de New York disparaît des radars sans laisser de traces, avant de réapparaître cinq ans plus tard sans aucune explication. Pour les 191 passagers à bord, le temps ne s'est pas écoulé. Mais pour leurs proches, ces cinq années ont été éprouvantes... Que s'est-il réellement passé ? Comment les revenants vont-ils parvenir à s'adapter ? Sont-ils revenus changés ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Modern Love

Modern Love

Aug 12, 2021
L'exploration de l'amour sous ses formes multiples, y compris sexuelles, romantiques, familiales, platoniques... Basé sur les articles de la rubrique "Modern Love" du New York Times.


May 26, 2022
Le Dr Jason Bull est le brillant fondateur d'une firme spécialisée en conseils juridiques. Entourée de son équipe d'experts ultra-compétents, il se démène pour mettre en place de véritables stratégies pour permettre de faire pencher la balance de la justice en faveur de ses clients. Ses méthodes lui permettent d'analyser tout un ensemble de facteurs pour prédire les comportements et décisions des jurés, des avocats ou encore des témoins. Série inspirée de la carrière de Dr Phil McGraw.
Poker Face

Poker Face

Mar 09, 2023
Engagée dans un long périple au volant de sa Plymouth Barracuda, Charlie Cale rencontre de nouvelles personnes à chaque arrêt et ne peut s’empêcher de résoudre des crimes grâce à une extraordinaire capacité à repérer lorsque quelqu’un ment.


Feb 25, 2025


Les agents spéciaux de la branche new-yorkaise du FBI usent de tous leurs talents et leur expertise pour assurer la protection de la ville et du pays. Les membres de cette unité d'élite combattent aussi bien le terrorisme, le crime organisé que le contre-espionnage.