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Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers

Jul 09, 2021
Un jeune homme découvre qu'il peut voyager dans le temps en se concentrant sur des souvenirs de son passé, et tente de changer le cours des événements pour éviter des tragédies futures.
My Happy Marriage

My Happy Marriage

Mar 17, 2023
Miyo est la première fille d'une famille prestigieuse, dont le père s'est remarié après la mort de sa mère. Depuis, Miyo est maltraitée par sa belle-mère et sa demi-soeur. Un jour, on l'informe qu'elle épousera Kiyoka Kudo,un soldat réputé cruel et impitoyable.
劇場版 ドクターX FINAL
The star-studded casts of the drama series come together for the highly anticipated movie adaptation of "Doctor X"! The secret of Michiko Daimon is finally revealed. "I never fail." How was the solitary surgeon Michiko Daimon born? What is the dark and mysterious tumultuous half-life of Michiko?
半沢直樹Ⅱ エピソードゼロ 狙われた半沢直樹のパスワード
At the Tokyo Central Securities company where Naoki Hanzawa has been posted, a massive overhaul of the securities trading system is scheduled. Meanwhile, at an upstart search engine development and operations IT firm, SPIRAL, a rookie programmer named Kousaka, having just displayed prodigious programming skills that staved off a disastrous system shutdown, gets rewarded by being named leader of a competitive project that could make-or-break the rising company. But at the same time, nobody is aware of a dark conspiracy lurking beneath the surface.
TV Movie


Dec 02, 2017
As a child, Masaki Sata was teased and bullied because of his appearance and called “Demekin” (popeyed goldfish). He decided to fight back and eventually became unbeatable in fights. His red hair also became a trademark. Masaki Sata and his buddy Atsunari then spent their days fighting and riding motorcycles. After middle school, Masaki Sata went on to high school and Atsunari begins to work at a ramen restaurant. One day, Atsunari comes up with the idea of starting a motorcycle gang with Masaki Sata. What awaits for them are enemies.
Kimi wa Tsukiyo ni Hikari Kagayaku
Depuis la mort d'une personne importante pour lui, Okada Takuya vit imprudemment. Alors qu'il était lycéen, il y avait une fille de sa classe qui était hospitalisée en raison de la "maladie de Luminescence". Apparemment, cette maladie tire son nom du fait que les corps de ceux qui en souffrent brillent faiblement lorsqu'ils sont exposés au clair de lune. Et cette lueur devient plus forte à l'approche de la mort. Le nom de cette fille était Watarase Mamizu. Après avoir appris qu'elle n'en avait plus pour longtemps et qu'elle voulait faire certaines choses avant de mourir, il lui propose son aide. À partir de cet instant, son temps auparavant gelé recommence à s'écouler...


Nov 15, 2019
Ryota Tanaka, a young man who was struggling to become a manga artist in Tokyo, came back to his hometown in Fukuoka, feeling the limits of his dream. It was a part-time job at the local life extension zoo that introduced Ryota, who was in the old friend's room, without relying on his parents' home. While working with the director Noda and veterinarian Aya Ishii, Ryota knew that this is a rare zoo in the world that puts emphasis on “animal welfare” that puts animal health and happiness first. However, the management of the garden is in a critical situation due to the budget reduction, and Ryota decides to draw a comic again to convey this effort with her own picture...


Jul 17, 2017
A high school class is learning about LGBTQ, but the students grow suspicious when they realize that no other classes have such lessons. Is there a queer student in the class?
My Hero Academia : Heroes Rising
La classe 1-A de U.A. a été envoyée sur l’île isolée de Nabu dans le cadre d’un programme de sécurité, ce qui équivaut à des actes mineurs de la part des étudiants, car l’île est pratiquement exempte de criminalité. Izuku Midoriya, titulaire du One for All, un pouvoir d’une immense puissance héritée, rencontre Mahoro Shimano et son frère Katsuma, résidents de l’île. S’unissant à eux avec son rival Katsuki Bakugo, ils découvrent que Katsuma souhaite devenir un héros, mais Mahoro cherche à le dissuader, estimant que son Alter n’est pas adapté à une ligne de travail dangereuse.Pendant ce temps, le père de Mahoro et Katsuma, qui possède un Alter curatif appelé Cell Activation, est attaqué par Nine et son groupe.


Jun 03, 2017
Mitsuo Ichikawa receives a phone call from Mitsuo Ichikawa. Their names are pronounced the same, but spelled differently using kanji. They also graduated from the same high school. Back in their high school days, Mitsuo Ichikawa was like a subordinate to Mitsuo Ichikawa. Mitsuo Ichikawa is now a hoodlum and tells the other Mitsuo that he killed a woman. They become accomplices and build a new relationship.
劇場版 トリリオンゲーム
Haru Tennoji and Manabu "Gaku" Taira are once again on the move to earn 1 trillion dollars and get everything in the world. Haru Tennoji turns his attention to a new business which is to develop the first casino resort in Japan. Will Haru and Gaku's use of unpredictable strategies and bluffing allow them to earn a trillion dollars?


Jun 09, 2021
Nagisa Mio, an oceanographer at Shibaura University of Marine Science and Technology, is very interested in fishes and loves the sea. Despite her cheerful smile and kind, good-natured personality, she is reticent about her family and past. Hasuda Rintaro, the second son of a wealthy family, is feared by the people around him as he comes across as someone who is hard to approach. But beneath that armour is a young man with a pure heart and no airs. He has returned to Japan due to his father’s poor health and is put in charge of a marine resort development project. While Mio wants to protect the ocean and opposes the resort’s development, Rintaro is staking his life on it. These two people who seem as if they live in different worlds, meet each other over the project and eventually fall in love. However, theirs is a forbidden romance because Mio has a secret that will shock everyone.
Minami Hiromi is an FBI agent visiting Japan from the US for a limited time. Minami lost his sight due to an accident in the past and he is called the "last man" in the FBI, referring him as the last trump card to end a case with his strong sense of analysis, smell, and touch. Godo Shintaro has been assigned to attend to Minami. From a family that has served as the Commissioner of the National Police Agency for generations, Godo has an extraordinary sense of justice and is willing to go any lengths to catch the criminals. Minami, who is always ready to ask for help, and Godo, who has never trusted anyone except himself, become a duo and work together to solve cases.


Oct 29, 2021
Born in September of 1995, Momone Nagaura lived with her parents, grandfather, and sister in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. After failing her college entrance exams, she went to live in Tome City with an acquaintance of her grandfather's. Momone's life changes when she meets a popular weather forecaster from Tokyo, who teaches her how weather forecasts can predict the future. She decides to study to become a weather forecaster.
Trillion Game

Trillion Game

Sep 15, 2023
Deux anciens amis s'associent et créent une entreprise. L'un est un communicant hors pair et l'autre un excellent ingénieur. Leur but ? Gagner un milliard de milliards de dollars.
Keiji to Kenji, Tokidoki Hanji
Dans cette suite de Police et Procureur, Nakaido, le professeur de gymnastique passionné devenu inspecteur de police, est toujours aussi désireux d'arrêter les criminels par tous les moyens et d'être apprécié par les victimes. Il se plonge dans les affaires sans se soucier des questions de conformité.


Sep 13, 2019
Okawa Yuka is living out the daily motions of life but doesn't understand her reason to keep living. After a confrontation with a co-worker, she decides to end it all but fails when she stops herself from squishing a cicada. That cicada returns the favor by transforming into a man, named semi, for seven days because he thinks it will make her happy. The downside is, he has no idea how to live as a human.
悪女 (わる) ~働くのがカッコ悪いなんて誰が言った?~
Work-life balance, side job, online meetings… In today's world of drastically-changing work styles, an incredibly cheerful but incapable new employee is borne! Meet Marilyn Tanaka. She is assigned to a redundant department where a peculiar employee, Ms. Minegishi, becomes her senior. "Don't you want to climb the ladder?", she tempts Marilyn.
Doctor-X - Daimon Michiko
Michiko Daimon est une chirurgienne freelance. Elle est embauchée à l'hôpital universitaire pour remplacer plusieurs médecins qui ont quitté leur poste. Daimon n'est pas une chirurgienne typique. Elle n'a cure de la hiérarchie, ne fait que ce qui nécessite un diplôme de médecine, ne fait pas d'heures supplémentaires. Ses honoraires sont exorbitants pour l’hôpital car elle n'échoue jamais dans ses opérations. Bousculant un hôpital sclérosé par les luttes de pouvoir entre médecins, elle pratique une médecine de haut niveau toujours au bénéfice de ses patients.
The Public Enemy

The Public Enemy

Dec 25, 2017
Sato Tomoko mène une vie ordinaire avec son mari et son jeune enfant. Un jour, elle défie les règles de l'entreprise où elle travaille à temps partiel pour compléter le revenu du ménage, et est licenciée. Tomoko a la quarantaine, a abandonné ses études secondaires et n'a aucune qualification. Comment va-t-elle trouver un emploi ? C'est par hasard qu'elle découvre dans une émission de télévision le salaire mirobolant et le taux de réussite élevé des membres des conseils municipaux, des villes et des villages. Assimilant l'énorme salaire au bonheur de la famille, Tomoko décide rapidement de se présenter au conseil municipal. Son rival dans la course électorale est Todo Makoto, issu d'une longue lignée de politiciens. Hirata Kazumi, ancienne journaliste politique vedette d'un journal et amie dont l'enfant fréquente la même école maternelle, est inspirée par l'énergie de Tomoko et sa capacité à rassembler les gens, et devient son soutien.


Oct 19, 2020
Shogo Kai is a lawyer at one of the big 4 law firms in Japan. He is good at his job, but he is arrogant. Shogo Kai only thinks about winning and he thinks the only way to satisfy his clients is to win. He is getting close to becoming a senior partner at the law firm. Shogo Kai's boss worries about his focus on winning above all else. As a condition of his promotion at the law firm, his boss asks him to hire a young lawyer as an associate. Shogo Kai interviews prospective young lawyers and meets Daiki Suzuki. Daiki Suzuki has high intelligence and his memory ability is amazing.
Tobio Masubuchi and his friends are ordinary high school students. Due to an incident, their peaceful days are about to change. Tobio’s friends are beaten by students from another high school in their neighborhood. Tobio and his friends scheme to get back the students from the other school. The day they are to carry out their plan, they see the other high school engulfed in flames. Tobio and his friends become suspects.
Every day, bank branches encounter various problems like missing money, information leaks, loan problems & breach of duties. Hanasaki Mai's job is to go there and fix the problems. She is able to do so even though she is just a bank clerk without higher-level powers. Because of her character, Hanasaki Mai will not keep still when she sees a wrong. She's willing to stand up for the side of the weak, regardless of the relation between the top and bottom factions of the bank.
Hana Nochi Hare ~Hanadan Next Season~
Dix ans après le F4, le lycée d'Eitoku est désormais gouverné par le C5, ayant pour leader Kaguragi Harotu fervent admirateur de Domyoji Tsukasa. Afin d'améliorer l'image en déclin du lycée, le C5 mène une véritable "chasse aux sorcières" contre les élèves de basse classe sociale. De son côté Edogawa Oto a vu sa vie basculer il y a quelques mois. En effet, la société de son père a fait faillite. Elle est désormais obligée de cacher sa nouvelle vie à ses amies. Seul vestige de son ancienne vie, ses fiançailles avec Hase Tenma représentant des élèves du lycée rival d'Eitoku.
Hanasaki Mai ga Damatte Inai
Hanasaki Mai était une caissière talentueuse dans une succursale de banque. Elle est mutée au siège dans le service chargée de régler les problèmes de non-conformité dans toutes les succursales. Son partenaire est le vétéran Soma Ken, dont la carrière à la banque est dans une impasse, sans promotion en vue. talentueuse. Ensemble, ils commencent à résoudre tous les actes répréhensibles commis et tiennent tête aux directeurs de succursales.
Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom
Plus que dix jours avant la fin de l’année scolaire pour les élèves d’une classe de terminale un peu turbulente. C’est alors que leur professeur principal, enseignant en arts plastiques, Hiiragi Ibuki les prend soudain en otages pour un “dernier cours”. Quelques mois plus tôt, une élève de la classe, Kageyama Reina, prometteuse championne de natation, s’était suicidée sans laisser la moindre explication sur son geste…


Sep 13, 2020
Author Tarō Obika is an obsessed single father who loves his daughter so much, he decides to go to the same college. Nicknamed Gatarō, he was widowed when his wife died of an illness and has raised his only child Sakura all on his own. Things are about to change drastically as Sakura prepares to enter a coeducational university after going to an all-girls school all her life. Worried sick, Gataro enrolls not only in the same school, but also in the same department, and the madness begins! Unable to control his anxiety, he sticks his nose in her every business, from classes to extracurricular activities, parties, dating events, cultural festivals, part-time jobs, and everything else college kids do. But as the 40-year-old middle-aged dad gets involved in the youthful pursuits of Sakura and her colleagues, he finds himself enjoying life even more than them.
Hanzawa Naoki

Hanzawa Naoki

Sep 27, 2020
Naoki Hanzawa travaille comme gestionnaire de prêts à la succursale Osaka Nishi de la Banque centrale de Tokyo. Un jour, Naoki signe un contrat de prêt de 500 millions de yens avec Nishi Osaka Steel Company. Naoki ne voulait pas approuver le prêt, mais il a dû le faire à cause de l'ordre du directeur de la succursale. Le directeur de la banque est Asano. C'est un homme ambitieux qui essaie de rejeter la faute sur Naoki.


Jan 01, 1970
At the beginning of the Showa era, there was a girl running through the town of Kochi at an incredible speed. Her name was Asada Nobu, also known as 'Hachikin Onobu'. Meanwhile, Yanai Takashi, who lost his father to illness at a young age, was taken in by his uncle and met Nobu at the school he transferred to. As the footsteps of war approached, Nobu, who was attending a women's normal school, had become a fanatical militarist girl like the others around her. Soon, the war began, and Takashi was sent to war. Taku lost his younger brother, Chihiro, in the war, and Nobu also lost the person she loved. After graduating from a women's school, Nobu's values had all changed during the war, and she decided that she had to figure out for herself what was right, so she got a job as the first female reporter at a newspaper company in Kochi.