Trip est un lutin constructeur qui travaille dans l'usine du Père Noël et préfère fabriquer des inventions bizarres et dangereuses plutôt que des jouets. Il va rencontrer Elia, un enfant timide et singulier originaire d'un village des montagnes italiennes. Les deux doivent apprendre à mettre leurs différends de côté pour sauver Noël d'un homme d'affaires impitoyable qui veut gâcher la fête !
Fabio struggles with a cumbersome father and a capricious and spoiled little sister who consider him a good for nothing, a “vegetable” in fact. The unfortunate recent graduate looks for a job reacts to the contempt of his family and demanding employers, when an unexpected event remixes roles…
A Late Show with a strong identity that bears the name of Alessandro Cattelan: surprising interviews, monologues, music and guests who face all the challenges, even the most unlikely, but without ever taking themselves seriously.
A patch is something commonly used to cover a hole in a dress. Valerio Lundini is a Roman surrealist comedian, who is called every night to replace a programme that, for various reasons, cannot go on air -- he basically puts "a patch" in a TV schedule. But can he?
Marco Santin and Giorgio Gherarducci - supported in the studio by Mago Forest, a great cast of comedians and many surprise guests - comment with biting irony on the most popular TV programs, the main sporting events and the last web trends.
Don Matteo est un curé de campagne, à Gubbio, une petite ville en Italie. Son sacerdoce ne s'arrête pas à dire la messe ou confesser ses paroissiens, mais aussi à enquêter sur les différents crimes qui ont lieu dans sa paroisse.
The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision Song Contest.
The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision Song Contest.