Rato Ghar revolves around Jhakhmale (Wilson), Tukki (Gaurav Pahari), Korean (Anurag Kuwar) and Kartikey (Sanyam Puri) and shows their crime drama unconventionally. It is a social drama movie covering comedy, action and thriller that shows bad effects of ambition of money.
Ishwor is a motorbike mechanic in Butwal and lives a simple routine life until he meets a young girl named Manjari. Manjari, daughter of a powerful landlord, falls in love with Ishwor for his simplicity irrespective of their differences. Manjari's dad decides to marry her off with another boy who matches their standard in the society. Manjari is upset by this development and goes to meet Ishwor to inform him about her dad's decision. Manjari forces Ishwor to take her away threatening to kill herself if Ishwor fails to comply. Ishwor agrees with her and takes her to Kathmandu.
Mr.Virgin is know as NEPAL's first SEX COMEDY film Directed by BISHARAD BASNET in 2018. STORY ONE LINE : 3 boys plans to break their virginity one night and goes to THAMEL in Kathmandu and what happens to them one after another. Will these boys will break their virginity.