Robynn Lin Fredericks

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Killer Sharks : décembre sanglant
En décembre 1957, en pleine saison touristique, une station balnéaire idyllique d'Afrique du Sud devient le théâtre de quatorze terribles attaques de requin. Une tragédie, surnommée malheureusement à l'époque, «black december», qui a suscité bien des interrogations. Serait-ce l'oeuvre d'un requin vagabond ?
Can I Recognize Your Soul
As Christine tries to find a relief after her brother's death, she meets Alonzo at the neighborhood basketball court. After finding out that he lost his father 2 years prior, they became close, and felt that if they stuck together, it would be easier to cope. Now Christine is trying to find a way to encounter her brother's soul as her relationship with Alonzo develops.