Joan Crawford, a tout pour être heureuse, la gloire et l'argent, mais elle ne peut avoir d'enfant. Elle parvient à adopter Christina et Christopher, qu'elle élève durement et qu'elle étouffe par sa jalousie et sa possessivité.
La patrouille du sergent Leona Hawkins effectue des manoeuvres d'exercice dans le Sud des Etats-Unis. Malheureusement pour eux, l'endroit choisi fut le siège d'un massacre de soldats confédérés par les troupes yankees. Les rebelles, véritables morts-vivants, vont alors sortir de leurs tombes pour se venger...
A Vietnam vet returns home from a prisoner of war camp and is greeted as a hero, but is quickly forgotten and soon discovers how tough survival is in his own country.
A Vietnam vet returns home from a prisoner of war camp and is greeted as a hero, but is quickly forgotten and soon discovers how tough survival is in his own country.
With his life already in shambles -- his girlfriend just dumped him, he's lost his acting gig, and his cat is seriously ill -- sad-sack Jimmy Zoole (Steve Guttenberg) comes home New Year's Eve to find a gay burglar (Lombardo Boyar) looting his apartment. Taking the intruder hostage, Jimmy threatens to unleash his pent-up rage on the would-be thief but instead begins to bond with his captive.
Marguerite Sydney is a celebrated Hollywood star attempting a comeback after a stay in a mental hospital, as well as trying to re-establish a relationship with her teenage son, and risking a romance with a mysterious stranger.
A Vietnam vet returns home from a prisoner of war camp and is greeted as a hero, but is quickly forgotten and soon discovers how tough survival is in his own country.