Gaukhar is pregnant, and Aidar seems to have finally found a common language with his wife's brothers. But everything changes when the main character is faced with an unusual illness. Kuvad's syndrome - an imaginary pregnancy in men - can completely destroy Aidar's plans and even his marriage.
An alien visited Earth 20 years ago to leave a device for collecting information about the planet's resources. When he returns for the data, his ship crashes in Kazakhstan, where by chance the alien meets Sholpan. She helps him fix the ship, unaware that the alien's true mission is to take over the planet for resources.
A precocious orphan from Central Asia comes to America to find his long lost mother. Along the way he befriends a down on his luck small time hustler, and together they set in motion a daring scheme to solve all their problems. However, things don't go according to plan.
Gaukhar has five overprotective brothers who don't let her marry anyone so she deals with the toughest decision in her life: family (brothers) or marriage?