Michael Ronds

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L'initiation de Misty Beethoven
Le sexologue Seymour Love découvre, dans un cinéma de Pigalle, une prostituée surnommée Misty Beethoven. Décidé à en faire son égérie, il la convainc de le suivre à New York afin de l'introduire dans son cercle de connaissances. La jeune femme d'abord indécise, accepte, et entame peu à peu une métamorphose qui va la faire apparaître sous un nouveau jour...
Painful Desires

Painful Desires

Jan 01, 1978
The story of a young girl's introduction to a carnal world of men and women tainted by their own flesh!
Take Off

Take Off

Jan 01, 1978
Une séduisante jeune femme fait la connaissance d'un certain Darin Blue qui lui fait une étrange confession. Il lui raconte son histoire, celle d'un personnage qui a traversé sans le moindre dommage physique cinquante années de sexe, de débauche et de stupre...
The Erotic World of Angel Cash
Angel Cash is a classical ballet dancer who practices in Madame's studio. Alas, she finds herself seducing her dance instructor when she can't stop recalling her countless sex escapades. Madame takes notice and acts on it.
Sweet Cakes

Sweet Cakes

Aug 03, 1976
Interviewer Jennifer Fox speaks with a publisher of an erotic magazine - he talks about various events that he photographed.
Unnatural Family

Unnatural Family

Sep 19, 1979
Take a peek into the strange and passionate lives of a family that is more than just a little bizarre. You've got parents having anal sex while doing dishes, a soon-to-be-married couple getting it on, and a threesome with a naughty husband! Marlene Willoughby is featured briefly in a scorching scene at the end of the film.
House of De Sade

House of De Sade

May 01, 1977
A group of friends decide to spend the night at a creepy old rundown house. They hold a seance that unleashes the evil spirit of De Sade. All kinds of debauched carnal activities immediately follow thereafter.
Bizarre Moods

Bizarre Moods

Mar 01, 1976
Vanessa lick’s her boyfriends ass and then fucks it with a dildo while she sucks his dick in one of her wettest and sleaziest films! Vanessa Del Rio is one of the biggest and best porn starlets of all time! And this is one of her best movies! This is a classic movie that will leave you reminiscing of the good old days!
The Night Bird

The Night Bird

Jun 04, 1977
The Nite Bird is the hottest disco in town, where everyone gets down on and off the dance floor. Southside and his friends hit the streets, searching for the hottest disco girls in the Big Apple, in a never ending quest of drinking, dancing, and, of course, sex. However, Southside has lately been rethinking his life and might want something more than just gang war and disco fever sex.
Blow Some My Way

Blow Some My Way

Jan 01, 1975
Annie Sprinkle models for the Hump cigarette company's new "Blow Some My Way" ad campaign. The slogan attracts prudish protesters and the company must demonstrate just what they mean by "blow".