Matthias Zera

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Der erste Stein

Der erste Stein

Jun 13, 2014
When Chris finds out that Ramon was released early after a brutal attack on his family, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He breaks Ramon's honor with a video and posts it virally on the internet. The video causes a stir and the boundaries between perpetrator and victim are becoming increasingly blurred.
Hochzeit in Rom

Hochzeit in Rom

Sep 27, 2017
On business trip in Milan, Bavarian architect Max Hauser falls in love with strong-willed waitress Bianca, who is fired for speaking up to his rude colleagues. When he proposes, she runs, but he traces her to Rome, where he finds she's actually the multi-titled rebellious daughter of impoverished prince and count Vibaldo D'Arcadia and his snobbish silver spoon wife Gioia, who inhabit a stunning but slowly derelict renaissance palace. When Max asks for her hand, she hastily accepts, and after getting the matriarchal blessing of the countess-mother Donna Costanza, Max invites his parents, egalitarian dentist Walter Hauser and wine merchant Eva and Zahnarzt to attend his socialite wedding. Max is not amused to find his father cornered by his mistress, flight attendant Xenia who demands Waleter's divorce, a secret they will painfully fail to keep under control, yet the parents refuse to spoil their son's wedding, but the palatial maid gets wind of half the story and confides into the ...
TV Movie
Love - Am Ende zählst du
After the death of his wife, widowed architect Noah Ollson only has education and a career on his mind until his best friend Olivia Pari gives him the idea of ​​dating again. He not only meets many different people, but also many discussions about his and others' sexuality. As a couples and sex therapist, Olivia believes that it will help him to open up more and process his tragedy if he starts going on non-binding dates again, so she registers him on a dating platform where, in addition to a normal dating option, there is the possibility , preferences and fetishes, she accidentally activates all the options and Noah's unusual dating journey begins. In addition to dealing with dating, sexuality and LGBTQ+, Noah ultimately finds love, as well as many crazy, extraordinary, but actually completely normal friendships.


Jul 25, 2024
En 1963, dans une Allemagne qui semble avoir oublié la guerre et le national-socialisme, l'ouverture du procès de Francfort met fin à l'amnésie collective : d'anciens soldats SS sont jugés pour leur implication dans le fonctionnement du camp d'Auschwitz, près de vingt ans après la fin des procès de Nuremberg. Témoins et accusés défilent à la barre durant cent quatre-vingts jours, les uns décrivant le pire dont l'humanité est capable, les autres se réfugiant derrière des procédures et des ordres, preuve d'un déni persistant.
Instrument of War

Instrument of War

Nov 23, 2017
When U.S. B-24 bomber pilot Clair Cline is shot down and captured in northern Germany, one war ends and another begins -- to keep hope alive. Now behind Nazi barbed wire and oppression, Cline and his fellow POW's must find a way to bond together to not just survive but transcend their captivity. Inspired by true events.
La fin de la vérité

La fin de la vérité

Jan 14, 2019
Martin Behrens, expert du renseignement, fournit des informations qui permettent à un drone américain de viser un terroriste recherché. Puis sa maîtresse, Aurice, une journaliste politique, est tuée dans un attentat terroriste, vraisemblablement une vengeance pour la frappe du drone. Martin commence à enquêter seul…
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.


Aug 08, 2024
Détachée pour une mission de courte durée, Miranda Blake, une inspectrice anglaise, accro à son travail et sans une once d’humour, est contrainte de prolonger sa collaboration sur l’île de Majorque ; pire encore, elle se voit imposer comme partenaire Max, un flic allemand, débonnaire et jovial. Ce tandem mal assorti s’occupe des affaires impliquant des ressortissants étrangers.
Le Tatoueur d'Auschwitz
Adaptation du livre de Heather Morris « Le tatoueur d'Auschwitz », relatant l'histoire vraie de Lale Sokolov, un prisonnier juif chargé de tatouer des numéros d'identification sur les bras de ses compagnons d'infortune dans le camp de concentration d'Auschwitz-Birkenau durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.