Linda Marlowe

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Bird Fancier

Bird Fancier

Jan 15, 1985
There's big money in pigeon racing if you've got a fast flyer, and Joe Desmond's blue-pied hen is a natural winner. But Joe's lucky streak with the birds has gone on a bit too long for the comfort of his competitors. It's time someone else had a turn. Mal Middleton's comedy was filmed on location in his home town of Sheffield.
That Kind of Girl

That Kind of Girl

Jan 01, 1963
That Kind of Girl is a British cult film and the directorial debut of Gerry O'Hara. Produced by Robert Hartford-Davis with a script by Jan Read, it was released in 1963. The film's subject is premarital sexual relationships and sexually transmitted diseases in an English 1960s millieu.
Night After Night After Night
There's a killer on the loose in London, and whilst our typically craggy copper DI Rowan investigates, Judge Lomax is busy in court, dishing out harsh sentences to everyone who comes before him.


Dec 31, 1994
A woman unloved by her mother, has a string of affairs with increasingly unsuitable men.
On m'appelle Zapper

On m'appelle Zapper

Jul 05, 1973
Une détective privée, Harriet Zapper, est engagée par un vieil homme riche pour retrouver ses enfants disparus, et devient impliquée dans la contrefaçon et le meurtre.
The Eye

The Eye

Oct 12, 2023
The Eye A young widow travels back to the island where her husband died to scatter his ashes. Upon learning the true nature of what may have claimed his life, she is tempted by a dark choice that could bring him back.


Jun 24, 1972
It is quite revealing how complex the simple form is. Shot one to one, a girl is confronted with nothing more than her thoughts. In the period of watching her (while she is looking at you) her expressions and movements turn into a 'mirror' for the viewer to experience his or herself. The experience is solely emotive between you and her, and occurs in "real" time. (Stephen Dwoskin)
Schwedischer Sommerwind
A society lady lives mainly from selling forged paintings by old masters. To keep the business flourishing, she invites art experts to orgies.
Les jeux de l'amour et de la guerre
Pendant la guerre, le lieutenant Madison et ses amis ont pour talent de trouver tout et n'importe quoi, et donc d'aimer la bonne vie, sans jamais avoir combattu. Débarqué à Londres, l'officier américain tombe amoureux d'une veuve anglaise et se retrouve par hasard charger d'une dangereuse mission.
The Swordsman

The Swordsman

Jan 04, 1974
Harriet Zapper est une femme aux talents de combattante uniques : elle est spécialiste du maniement de l'épée et peut pratiquer le karaté, la boxe et le judo. Et elle porte deux revolvers magnum .357 pour une protection supplémentaire. Lorsqu'une série d'assassinats sanglants a lieu, elle doit retrouver le cerveau derrière ces crimes. Elle se retrouve dans le sud de la France, dans un nid de corruption, de trahison et de meurtre...
Spaceflight IC-1

Spaceflight IC-1

Aug 01, 1965
In the year 2015, a spaceship, the IC-1, travels through outer space looking for a suitable planet to settle on. The commander, Captain Ralston, is stern and brutal in which one cadet, Steven, plots a revolt to turn the leadership of the command over to him.
Science Fiction
Mr. Love

Mr. Love

Jan 01, 1985
An fifty-year-old mild-mannered gardener becomes a lovable legend in his town for his talent to romantically please every woman that fancies him.
The Ballad of Tam Lin

The Ballad of Tam Lin

Dec 01, 1970
La richissime Michaela a peur de la vieillesse, aussi vit-elle entourée d'un groupe de jeunes gens devant se soumettre à ses moindres caprices. Son amant , Tom, lassé de jouer le rôle d'un gigolo, l'abandonne pour la jeune Janet. Elroy, le fondé de pouvoir de Michaela, met en garde le jeune homme: tous ceux qui ont tenté de rompre ont disparu dans de mystérieux accidents. Tom ne veut pas prendre cette révélation au sérieux...
You in Your Small Corner
Barry Reckord adapted his stage play for TV and his brother Lloyd plays the central character – a Jamaican new to London. When he begins a relationship with a white woman, he finds himself in conflict with his mother, who has great expectations for him. The very early intimate portrayal of this interracial relationship broke new ground, and is believed to feature one of the world's first examples of an interracial kiss on TV.


Jan 01, 1997
"Set in the context of 1930s Fascism, Steven Berkoff’s reimagining of William Shakespeare’s final tragedy brings power to the masses as they turn against their ambitious leader, Coriolanus. This highly physical and meticulously choreographed production was captured live at the Globe in Tokyo."


Mar 11, 1964
Au XIIe siècle, Thomas Becket est le chancelier du royaume et l'ami d'Henri II d'Angleterre. Celui-ci doit le promouvoir archevêque de Canterbury à la mort de ce dernier. Becket se sent alors investi par toutes les tâches qui lui incombent, mais ses activités font bientôt de lui un rival pour le roi…
The Bone Grinder

The Bone Grinder

May 13, 1968
George, an ineffectual and inoffensive clerk, and his prim wife Gladys reserve their greatest efforts for preserving their respectibility. Sam, a rough-necked American seaman, invades their dull suburban routine. The play examines the clash of cultures between a fading British Empire and the dominance of American materialistic values.
Dyn Amo

Dyn Amo

Jun 27, 1972
'Dyn Amo' is a 'drama' exploring the distinction between a person's self and his projection of that self to others; and it's a 'horror movie' tragically suggesting how a projection can become more substantial than the self behind it. Its subjects are role-playing (especially sexual role-playing), and the masochism of playing a role that conforms to others' exploitative interests.


Feb 01, 1987
TV film of Steven Berkoff's stage adaption of Kafka's famous story in which a young man, who is the sole financial supporter of his family, awakes one morning in the form of a giant dung beetle and thereby becomes a nuisance to his family, who must now learn to rely upon themselves.
TV Movie


Feb 01, 1963
Crime reporter Jack Moir is framed by crooked nightclub owner, 'The Duke'. In prison, Moir plans his revenge.


Jan 27, 1988
In a small European country, the king is scheduled to visit a small, quiet and "safe" village. It turns out that while the village may indeed be small, it's neither as quiet nor as safe as it's expected to be.
La Taupe

La Taupe

Sep 16, 2011
George Smiley (Gary Oldman), récemment pensionné du MI6, fait de son mieux pour mener sa vie en dehors des services secrets. Lorsqu’un agent disgracié refait surface avec des informations concernant une taupe au sein du service, Smiley revient. Chargé de découvrir lequel de ses anciens collègues l’a trahi ainsi que son pays, Smiley concentre ses recherches sur quatre suspects tous expérimentés et talentueux. Mais les histoires du passé, les rivalités et amitiés lui rendent la tâche difficile.
A Pinch of Snuff

A Pinch of Snuff

Apr 09, 1994
Receiving a tip from his dentist Jack Shorter, policeman Peter Pascoe takes a closer look at the Calliope Kinema Club, a film club notorious for showing adult entertainment movies. Shorter is convinced that one particular scene in a movie he recently saw was too realistic to have been staged with fake blood, but when Pascoe and his bluff superior Andy Dalziel starts investigating, they soon comes across the actress in question, Linda Abbott, who obviously didn't suffer from any harm and assures Pascoe that the concerns are unnecessary.
Trois milliards d'un coup
Paul Clifton a déjà passé plusieurs années de sa vie en prison lorsqu'il met au point le plan le plus audacieux de sa carrière : l'attaque du train postal Glasgow-Londres. Clifton commence par voler un bijou précieux qui lui procure les fonds nécessaires à l'opération. Pour accroître ses chances de succès, il fait même évader de prison un dénommé Robinson, véritable expert en billets de banque. Une question reste cependant en suspens : celle du partage du butin.
Chez les heureux du monde
Au début du XXème siècle, au sein de la haute société new-yorkaise où règnent superficialité et hypocrisie, Lily Bart, ravissante jeune femme au sommet de sa gloire mondaine, découvre subitement la précarité de sa position, quand son charme et sa beauté suscitent convoitise et jalousie.
The Man Outside

The Man Outside

Aug 24, 1967
Bill MacLean is a former CIA agent living in London. He had been fired when he stuck up for one of the men in his command who turned out to be branded a Russian defector. The embittered ex-agent combines forces with another operative to deliver a top Russian secret police official for a price. Before he can deliver the Russian, a trail of corpses and double crosses changes his plans. When his partner who concocted the scheme is murdered, MacLean returns the check to the CIA. They offer him his old job back, but the proud man refuses.
Ready For My Close Up

Ready For My Close Up

Nov 16, 2019
An ordinary day for Nurse Rose turns disastrous when she meets Nurse Becca but the horror does not stop there when Becca enters the home of fading B Movie actress Megs Topplethwaite and the real life horrors soon become apparent.


Jan 18, 2019
Deux femmes s'affrontent après avoir été trahies par le même homme.


Dec 04, 1994
The adventures of the eponymous Lovejoy, a likeable but roguish antiques dealer based in East Anglia. Within the trade, he has a reputation as a “divvie”, a person with an almost supernatural powers for recognising exceptional items as well as distinguishing genuine antique from clever fakes or forgeries.


Jul 28, 2007
Mister Hyde est de retour ! Mais que les braves gens se rassurent, aujourd'hui, le docteur Jackman (Jekyll, pour les intimes) vit (presque) en harmonie avec son alter égo maléfique. Pourtant, mister Hyde ignore que Jekyll a une famille, dont il s'emploie par tous les moyens à cacher l'existence. Sa petite vie tranquille est bouleversée le jour où une vieille organisation connaissant son secret décide de l'utiliser pour servir ses interêts.
Qui a tué mon fils ?

Qui a tué mon fils ?

Sep 19, 2013
L'enquête de Maggie Brand sur la disparition d'un petit garçon. L'affaire est suivie à travers deux époques en parallèle : en 2008 et de nos jours.


Feb 27, 2025
La vie quotidienne des habitants de la classe ouvrière de la place Albert, une traditionnelle place victorienne de maisons mitoyennes entourant un parc dans le quartier de Walford, à l'est de Londres.
She's Out

She's Out

Apr 10, 1995
Dolly Rawlins is free again. She has served the eight year prison sentence for her husband's murder and is now set to collect the six million pounds worth of diamonds that she stashed before she was sent down. The money will enable her to follow her dreams and start a new life. But her former cell mates have their own ideas...
The Green Man

The Green Man

Nov 11, 1990
An alcoholic pub landlord has visions of a 17th-century doctor of the occult, beginning a monumental clash between good and evil. Adapted from the novel by Kingsley Amis.


Oct 23, 2011
MI-5, aussi surnommé "Five", n'est autre que le service secret britannique fondé pour protéger la sécurité nationale des menaces intérieures. Leurs missions : combattre le crime organisé, démanteler les trafics d'armes et autres réseaux terroristes...
Le Saint

Le Saint

Feb 09, 1969
Surnommé « le Saint » en raison de ses initiales, Simon Templar est un détective amateur au charme irrésistible qui traque les criminels à travers le monde.
Action & Adventure
Royal Autopsy

Royal Autopsy

Apr 23, 2024
Royal Autopsy investigates the cause of death of two of Britain’s most famous monarchs: Queen Elizabeth I and King Charles II, in an entirely new and realistic way. Professor Alice Roberts will bring together a blend of historical and medical expertise and by using contemporaneous accounts and documents piece together how and why these monarchs died.
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Nov 10, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Nov 10, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...