Craig Shoemaker

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Craig Shoemaker: The Lovemaster... Unzipped
Recorded Live at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills, CA May 19, 2007 If you have not experienced Craig Shoemaker before, you are in for one hilarious time. He’s one of the best comedians out there and is guaranteed to make you laugh until you cry. His skills as funny man, storyteller, wit, facial contortionist, and celebrity impersonator are second to none. Just wait until you meet The Lovemaster, his alter ego that is the embodiment of what every man wants to be and what every woman wants to have. Yeah, baby, you know you’ll want to see The Lovemaster in action.
A Nashville Wish

A Nashville Wish

Feb 02, 2024
A country music singer dreams of dating a popular cheerleader and going to Nashville, Tenn., to become a star. As fate would have it, his career takes off at the same time as their relationship, but she doesn't share his love of music.
Tomcat Angels

Tomcat Angels

Jan 01, 1991
Four women graduate the US Navel Top Gun academy. When 2 of them are promptly shot down on their first Gulf assignment, the other 2 and their instructors head out to rescue them.
The Lovemaster

The Lovemaster

Oct 03, 1997
Standup comic Craig Shoemaker tells the therapist stories of his failed relationships with women (dates, wife etc.)
Safe House

Safe House

Jul 01, 1998
A psychological thriller; Mace Sowell, an ex-intelligence operative and whose past government activities catches up with him, faces his own mortality, in the shape of the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Holding the electronic key to secret information which implicates a Presidential front-runner, Mace struggles for his life while battling the debilitating effects of the disease.
Scream 2

Scream 2

Dec 12, 1997
Phil Stevens et sa copine Maureen Evans sortent ensemble voir en avant‑première le film « Stab », inspirée de la tuerie de la ville de Woodsboro l'année précédente. Le public porte d'ailleurs en grande partie le costume du tueur. Mais parmi les fans déchaînés se cachent un nouvel assassin, qui poignarde devant toute l'audience la pauvre Maureen… Sidney Prescott, une des réelles survivantes du premier massacre, s'est inscrit à la fac de Windsor où elle apprend l'art dramatique, avec son ami Randy. Mais avec ce nouveau fait divers, la jeune femme prend peur et ne peut à nouveau plus faire confiance en personne. Surtout qu'un meurtre intervient dans l'enceinte même du campus : la jeune Casey Cooper a été défenestré après avoir subi deux coups de couteau. Pour Sidney, ça ne fait aucun doute : le cauchemar recommence. Mais qui peut donc s'acharner à vouloir sa mort ? Et pourquoi ?
The Devil Takes a Holiday
A rambuctious ride thru American culture. The nouveau-riche meet The Prince of Darkness in this outlandish fable for the politically incorrect.A family's holiday weekend is turned upside-down in this wicked comedy from filmmaker Leon Corcos
Totally Baked

Totally Baked

Apr 20, 2007
Meet Dave Bertman, a tightly wound 37 year-old father of one. Bertman's "higher" education begins when medical marijuana activists wielding "loaded" weapons interrupt a planned reunion barbecue with college debate chums. When his teenage daughter Gina Marie unexpectedly arrives with a joint found in her pocket, Bertman assumes the worst. Only after he faces his own hypocrisies, can he have the open and honest discussion needed for father and daughter to understand each other and reconnect.
Middle Man

Middle Man

Jun 09, 2017
When a hapless, unfunny, wanna-be comedian picks up a mysterious hitchhiker on his way to Vegas to audition for the Monte Guy show, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a desert-town killing spree that also has a very unexpected consequence - it improves his comedy.
Super Manny

Super Manny

Oct 02, 2013
Manny tente de sauver un chat qui va de mésaventures en mésaventures.


Nov 29, 2005
In a small Catholic boarding school an unspeakable act has been committed. When High School student, Luther Scott, confesses to Father Michael Kelly, Kelly is bound silent to the particulars of a grisly murder. Now, framed guilty by the desperate teen, Kelly must decide to keep his silence or throw away everything the priesthood holds sacred.
Acting on Impulse

Acting on Impulse

Jul 10, 1993
Suite à une querelle avec son agent et avec son producteur, Susan, une star du cinéma d'horreur érotique, part s'isoler dans un hôtel de luxe. Le soir même, elle est au bras de Paul Steven, un homme d'affaire fiancé. Lorsque le producteur de Susan et la fiancée de Paul sont retrouvés morts, les soupçons se portent tout naturellement sur la jeune actrice.
The Lovemaster

The Lovemaster

Oct 03, 1997
Standup comic Craig Shoemaker tells the therapist stories of his failed relationships with women (dates, wife etc.)
The Lovemaster

The Lovemaster

Oct 03, 1997
Standup comic Craig Shoemaker tells the therapist stories of his failed relationships with women (dates, wife etc.)
Totally Baked

Totally Baked

Apr 20, 2007
Meet Dave Bertman, a tightly wound 37 year-old father of one. Bertman's "higher" education begins when medical marijuana activists wielding "loaded" weapons interrupt a planned reunion barbecue with college debate chums. When his teenage daughter Gina Marie unexpectedly arrives with a joint found in her pocket, Bertman assumes the worst. Only after he faces his own hypocrisies, can he have the open and honest discussion needed for father and daughter to understand each other and reconnect.
Totally Baked

Totally Baked

Apr 20, 2007
Meet Dave Bertman, a tightly wound 37 year-old father of one. Bertman's "higher" education begins when medical marijuana activists wielding "loaded" weapons interrupt a planned reunion barbecue with college debate chums. When his teenage daughter Gina Marie unexpectedly arrives with a joint found in her pocket, Bertman assumes the worst. Only after he faces his own hypocrisies, can he have the open and honest discussion needed for father and daughter to understand each other and reconnect.


May 07, 1995
Benjamin Matlock est un avocat de la défense basé à Atlanta, qui obtient toujours des aveux grâce à ses contre-interrogatoires de légende.
Le Prince de Bel-Air

Le Prince de Bel-Air

May 20, 1996
Sur les conseils de sa mère, Will, un adolescent de 17 ans, quitte Philadelphie et son milieu modeste pour s'installer chez sa tante et son oncle à Los Angeles, dans le très chic quartier de Bel-Air, afin d'avoir de meilleures chances de réussir dans la vie...
Simon & Simon

Simon & Simon

Mar 02, 1989
Ils ont beau avoir le même sang qui coule dans leurs veines, les frères Simon n'ont vraiment rien en commun. A.J. est tout ce qu'il y a de plus poli et classique, tandis que son grand frère Rick, un ancien du Vietnam, aime sortir des sentiers battus. Ensemble, ils sont pourtant à la tête d'une agence de détectives où leurs différences les aident à résoudre toute sorte d'affaires...
La Vue

La Vue

Nov 08, 2024
Cinq femmes avec des perspectives très différentes sur la politique, Hollywood et ses stars, et l'actualité discutent de ces sujets et d'autres sujets de division du jour.
Comedy Central Presents
These half-hour specials showcased some of the best up-and-coming comedians of the moment. The show was a pivotal stepping stone for many of today's stand-up stars.
The Hughleys

The Hughleys

May 20, 2002
Darryl Hugley possède sa propre affaire de distributeur automatique et décide de déménager avec sa famille du ghetto Sud de Los Angeles à West Hills, où réside en grande majorité une population blanche.
The Magic Hour

The Magic Hour

Aug 06, 1998
The Magic Hour is an American talk show hosted by basketball player Earvin "Magic" Johnson. The series aired in syndication from June to September 1998.
Associées pour la loi
L'avocate de la famille et maman Lynn Holt a dû se démener pour garder sa famille et son cabinet d'avocats ensemble depuis que son mari l'a quittée et a pris la majeure partie de leur pratique du droit avec lui. Bien que les avocats transportent beaucoup de bagages de la vie, ils sont tous déterminés à tirer le meilleur parti de cette seconde chance inattendue et à effectuer le paiement hypothécaire de chaque mois.
Hollywood Squares

Hollywood Squares

Jun 04, 2004
On September 14, 1998, a Hollywood Squares revival debuted with Tom Bergeron as its host. In addition to her production duties, Whoopi Goldberg served as the permanent center square, with series head writer Bruce Vilanch, Gilbert Gottfried, Martin Mull, and Caroline Rhea as regular panelists and Brad Garrett, Bobcat Goldthwait, Jeffrey Tambor, George Wallace, Kathy Griffin and various others as semi-regular panelists. Shadoe Stevens returned to announce, although he was not given a square on the panel as he had been when John Davidson was host.


May 24, 2016
Une adolescente de 15 ans gagne une certaine notoriété suite à un quiproquo. Elle devient pour ses camarades de classe la fille qui a tenté de mettre fin à ses jours, alors qu’il s’agissait d’un regrettable accident.


May 24, 2016
Une adolescente de 15 ans gagne une certaine notoriété suite à un quiproquo. Elle devient pour ses camarades de classe la fille qui a tenté de mettre fin à ses jours, alors qu’il s’agissait d’un regrettable accident.


Mar 06, 2025
Sherri Shepherd, actress, comic, and Emmy Award-winning longtime co-host of "The View", appears before a live audience with a daily dose of pop culture, comedy, conversations, and daytime talk staples, including celebrity and human interest interviews.

Jun 19, 2010
Some say laughter is the best medicine. It’s true. Standup comedy has been known to cure everything from bad moods and frowns to fits of pouting. So for those who need a heavy dose of hilarity, try a spoonful of “Comedy.TV.” With no traffic jams, parking debacles, or two-drink minimums of the local comedy clubs, the most clever comedians jump onstage for a full-fledged funny fest.
Night Court

Night Court

May 31, 1992
An eccentric fun-loving judge presides over an urban night court and all the silliness going on there.
Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

Feb 24, 2015
Le quotidien des employés du département des parcs et loisirs de la ville de Pawnee, dans l'État de l'Indiana, rythmé par les aventures et les mésaventures de leur directrice adjointe, Leslie Knope, qui a de grandes ambitions professionnelles et politiques... et des résultats pas toujours à la hauteur de ses espérances.
The Good Life

The Good Life

Apr 12, 1994
The Good Life is an American sitcom which aired on NBC in early 1994. It starred John Caponera and Drew Carey. Other members of the cast included Eve Gordon, Jake Patellis, Shay Astar, Justin Berfield and Monty Hoffman. The show revolved around Caponera's character and featured both his home life and the lock company where he served as a middle manager. It was set in Chicago. Thirteen episodes were produced and aired before the sitcom's cancellation in May 1994.


May 14, 1997
Hayden Fox, the curmudgeonly coach of Minnesota State University's Screaming Eagles football team, tries to navigate his way through the sports world, fatherhood and family life without dropping the ball.