Gian-Carlo Scandiuzzi

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Nov 01, 1997
Dans un futur proche, la Zircon Corporation a créé la dernière génération de prison : la Chaise de l'Exil. Une machine capable de stocker les esprits tout en les dématérialisant du corps humain. Mais cette machine a un effet pervers, le monde où sont confinés les esprits, la Matrice, s'est métamorphosée en entité pour revenir dans le monde des vivants et détruire une ville entière. Une question se pose alors pour la Zircon Corporation : éliminer la matrice ou s'en servir comme arme ?
Science Fiction
Goodbye, Casanova

Goodbye, Casanova

Jan 01, 2000
A aspiring novelist operates a tiny neighborhood bookstore. His wife is a talented painter. Their marriage is disintegrating, and they are about to sign their divorce papers. Meanwhile, the legendary Casanova and his lover Lavinia are characters trapped inside of a 17th-century children's book. The tragedy of the impending divorce triggers the release of Casanova and Lavinia from the confines of the children's pop-up book.
Sitting Target

Sitting Target

Jun 20, 1990
Cop/ex-special forces officer Tony Rico crosses the mob by refusing to sell-out, even after he finds that his father is on their payroll. In a shoot-out, Tony is trapped in an exploding house that leaves him near death and comatose, with over 90 percent of his body burned. Five years later, a man wakes up in a coma ward—a man with no past, whose face has been reconstructed with plastic surgery. A scientist researching memory recovery begins to piece together the unknown man's past, and consequently, the past of Tony Rico comes to light. But the mob has not forgotten and Tony's life is still in jeopardy. When Tony's father discovers that his son is alive, he attempts to rescue him from a team of mob assassins. It is only when Tony meets up with his original doctor that a final twist in his bizarre life is revealed.
L'Œil public

L'Œil public

Oct 16, 1992
Dans les années 1940, Leon « Bernzy » Bernstein et photographe indépendant de rue pour la ville de New York , consacré à son œuvre vivante et réaliste et sa capacité unique de prendre des clichés que personne ne peut. Il est très confiant de ses compétences, en déclarant à un moment donné, «Personne ne fait ce que je fais. Personne ».Avec une police de la radio sous le tableau de bord de sa voiture et une fortune chambre noire dans sa malle, il a rapidement des courses sur les lieux des crimes horribles et les accidents afin d'enclencher des photos exclusives. Il est si bon dans son travail qu'il devient connu affectueusement comme la « Grande Bernzini ».
Shredder Orpheus

Shredder Orpheus

Jun 13, 1990
A skateboarder named Orpheus, his girlfriend Eurydice and their friends journey to Hell to stop television signals that are brainwashing America.


Dec 23, 1992
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Science Fiction


Feb 01, 1994
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Science Fiction
Red Snow

Red Snow

Jan 01, 1991
When a snowboard instructor uncovers clues to a high stakes robbery, he finds himself in a high speed gun fight with his life on the line. He realizes he is the one pinned for murder and must hunt down the real killer and survive a dangerous glacier.


Dec 23, 1992
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Science Fiction


Nov 01, 1997
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Science Fiction


Oct 14, 2002
Morris has existed quietly and contentedly in a mental institution for sometime now & is distressed to find that - but for an error in paperwork - he should have been released some time ago. He would much rather stay. When his therapist is forced to ok the release, she does so knowing that his writing fantasies have disturbed her of late. However, she cannot prove Morris to be dangerous and so he is released.
Campus Show

Campus Show

Jul 09, 1993
Denise Huxtable a quitté sa famille pour intégrer l'université : c'est pour elle le début d'une nouvelle vie où, affranchie de ses parents, elle doit faire face à de nouvelles responsabilités.
Falcon Crest

Falcon Crest

May 18, 1990
Ce feuilleton raconte la lutte impitoyable entre la riche Angela Channing et son neveu Chase Gioberti, qui a hérité de son père une partie du domaine viticole de Falcon Crest, situé dans la vallée de Tuscany, non loin de San Francisco.