Ortal Ben-Shoshan

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Dec 14, 2017
The story of reserve soldiers, who volunteered to take part in an anthrax vaccine experiment during their military service. 7 years later they discover the vaccine has disastrous side effects. They set out to expose the truth and save their own lives.
השוטר הטוב

השוטר הטוב

Sep 19, 2019
Danny Confino is a full-time cop, during one of the police's worst times. A period in which its image is at a low ebb, they are ousted every week, harassed by commanders twice a week, budgets are cut and complaints against police are piled up in DIP offices. He returns to his parents' home in order to live there temporarily, but the temporary becomes permanent and Danny finds that life at home is superior to any crime scene.
The Grave

The Grave

Nov 27, 2019
Suite à un tremblement de terre, trois squelettes humains sont découverts au fond d'une immense fosse à l'intérieur d'une réserve naturelle. L’ADN de ces squelettes révèle qu’ils appartiennent à des personnes en vie… Il s’agit de Yoel, un garde forestier qui élève seul son fils, Avigail, une jeune femme incarcérée pour homicide et Niko, un mentaliste reconnu. Pour résoudre cette enquête, la commissaire Chava va devoir regarder au-delà des apparences.