Jan Mancewicz

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Pół serio

Pół serio

Apr 20, 2001
Konecki works here with none other than Andrzej Saramonowicz who makes his debut as a film writer with this film that one could view as a spoof of today's cinema, focusing mainly on the part of "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Science Fiction
Słodko gorzki

Słodko gorzki

Mar 21, 1996
Mateusz, Igor, Marlon i Paulina chodzą do jednego liceum. Po powrocie z Budapesztu Mateusz dowiaduje się, że jeden z kolegów, niejaki Bąbel, powiesił się na szkolnym boisku. Przejmując się tragedią znajomego chłopaka, postanawia na własną rękę przeprowadzić śledztwo w sprawie jego śmierci. Igor, który znalazł ciało Bąbla, wie co się stało, ale boi się mówić. Podobnie jest z innymi uczniami, nawet nauczycielami, którzy zajęci są głównie swoimi prywatnymi problemami. Ostatnią szansę widzi w rozmowie z zakochaną w nim Pauliną, ale dziewczyna pozostawia go samego w walce o poznanie prawdy.
Les impliqués

Les impliqués

Jun 03, 2011
A Cracovie, le docteur Rudzki est un éminent spécialiste de la méthode de Hellinger, dite de la «constellation familiale», thérapie visant à soigner la souffrance psychique par le biais de jeux de rôles et de psychodrames. Après une séance collective éprouvante, un des patients, Henryk Telak, est retrouvé assassiné. Le tueur serait-il l'un des patients, voire le docteur lui-même ? La procureure Agatha Szacki, aidée par le commissaire Smolar, un ancien amant de ses années universitaires, enquête. Elle découvre bientôt que la victime est liée à un autre cadavre, celui d'un étudiant polonais sauvagement assassiné en 1987, à la fin de l'ère communiste...


Sep 18, 2017
A team of engineers is conducting final tests on a machine, which will decide the fate of a war. Meanwhile, a series of murders takes place in the city.
Science Fiction


Mar 09, 2008
The dark world of crime: murders, racketeering, drugs, kidnappings. There are no rules here. Working in this world makes cops cynical and ruthless. There is a fine line between them and criminals - will any of them cross it? The main characters are officers from the Department for Counteracting Criminal Terror and Homicides. The action of the series is an extension of the threads that appear in the feature film. It presents in a realistic way the brutal and dark world of crime that officers encounter on a daily basis. They're not just tracking down murderers. They fight racketeering, kidnapping, drug trafficking while struggling with their own day to day life and problems.


Mar 09, 2008
The dark world of crime: murders, racketeering, drugs, kidnappings. There are no rules here. Working in this world makes cops cynical and ruthless. There is a fine line between them and criminals - will any of them cross it? The main characters are officers from the Department for Counteracting Criminal Terror and Homicides. The action of the series is an extension of the threads that appear in the feature film. It presents in a realistic way the brutal and dark world of crime that officers encounter on a daily basis. They're not just tracking down murderers. They fight racketeering, kidnapping, drug trafficking while struggling with their own day to day life and problems.