Gümeç Alpay Aslan

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Le grand pardon

Le grand pardon

Apr 14, 2023
Erkin est un gardien de phare qui doit régler ses problèmes de dettes. Il a blessé les deux personnes les plus chères de sa vie, son frère Koray et son ex-fiancée Merve. Lorsqu'il apprend la nouvelle de la mort de son grand-père, Erkin se précipite à la maison de retraite où il le découvre en vie. Son grand-père lui propose l'argent dont il a besoin, mais à une condition : il doit se réconcilier avec Koray et Merve dans un délai d'une semaine.
Ölümlü Dünya

Ölümlü Dünya

Jan 26, 2018
Mermer family, who has been managing a restaurant called “Anatolian flavors” in Haydarpasa train station for generations, consist of 8 members. Even though this family leads a quiet simple life, they will end up finding themselves in complicated situations. Moreover, this family has been keeping a secret for a long time and it just can’t come out at any cost..
Unutursam Fısılda

Unutursam Fısılda

Oct 29, 2014
Alors qu’elle retourne dans la maison familiale, une ancienne chanteuse se remémore les souvenirs perdus de sa gloire passée tandis que sa sœur la tient pour responsable de sa vie gâchée.
Olanlar Oldu

Olanlar Oldu

Jan 19, 2017
Les projets d'une mère pour trouver l'âme sœur de son fils tombent à l'eau lorsqu'une jeune femme fait irruption dans leur vie et provoque tout un lot de mésaventures.
Adab-ı Muaşeret

Adab-ı Muaşeret

May 15, 2009
Aykut moves to a new private school in the middle of the year with his father, who is the principal. There are two separate groups between girls and boys at the school, which Aykut's father Nurettin tries to keep in line. The girls' group is 'Adab-ı Muaşeret' and the boys' group is 'Mokokolar'. Groups where not everyone is accepted are feuding mischievously among each other. A love affair begins between Aykut and Zeynep, the leader of 'Adab-ı Muaşeret', but they both have reasons to keep this love secret.
Un parfait gentleman

Un parfait gentleman

Sep 25, 2024
Un charmant escort boy tombe amoureux et voit son univers complètement chamboulé. Il commence alors à se demander ce qui est vraiment important pour lui.
Ufak Tefek Cinayetler

Ufak Tefek Cinayetler

Feb 12, 2019
Three girls in high school made a prank on the fourth girl and caused her to be expelled from the high school with her teacher. After 20 years they got together in a high society environment.
Maral: En Güzel Hikayem
Maral is a young and naive girl who works as a waitress in the restaurant section of a well-known store named Luna. She dreams about two things in her life: one is being the manager of Luna and the other is Sarp, who is the rebellious young guy working as a chocolate chief at the same restaurant where Maral works. She thinks that both of her dreams are far away from being real. However, one day, her first dream becomes true.
Love 101

Love 101

Sep 30, 2021
Dans les années 1990 en Turquie, un groupe d'adolescents exclus se sont regroupés pour faire tomber amoureux leur professeur bien-aimé afin qu'elle ait une raison de rester en ville avec eux.


Sep 22, 2005
Evlerden Biri

Evlerden Biri

Oct 29, 2012
When a mother-daughter moves into the opposite house of a family living with their own problems, the men of the family think the same thing. The tension begins.