A seemingly harmless fit of jealousy between two lovers brings about an increasingly sinister entanglement of events. Hidden secrets are revealed, sly lies are decoded, and eventually the characters begin to show their true colors. In this thriller, gripping until the last minute, nothing is as it appears to be at first sight
A seemingly harmless fit of jealousy between two lovers brings about an increasingly sinister entanglement of events. Hidden secrets are revealed, sly lies are decoded, and eventually the characters begin to show their true colors. In this thriller, gripping until the last minute, nothing is as it appears to be at first sight
Dec 25, 2021
2021 min15 vues
Conciliant romanesque et rigueur historique, cette superproduction européenne retrace l'histoire d'une souveraine exceptionnelle qui, de 1745 à 1780, dirigea l'Empire austro-hongrois en vivant au grand jour sa vie amoureuse et familiale.