Gordon Summers

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Le char chinois, à l'origine du premier empire
Nacelle fixée sur un essieu relié à deux roues et tirée par des chevaux, le char est parvenu jusqu'aux steppes extrême-orientales à l'âge du bronze, il y a trois mille cinq cents ans. Amélioré pendant près d'un millénaire, ce véhicule militaire a conféré une supériorité décisive au roi Zheng, de la dynastie Qin. Après avoir achevé la conquête de six royaumes rivaux en 221 avant J.-C., ce dernier fonde le premier Empire chinois. À partir de découvertes récentes, notamment sur des chantiers de fouilles dans le Hubei et le Henan, ce documentaire captivant retrace l'ingénieuse évolution du char chinois.
Warrior Queen Boudica

Warrior Queen Boudica

Mar 10, 2006
When the cowardly bureaucrat Catus Decianus breaks a peace treaty with the Iceni by brutalizing and humiliating their queen Boudica and her daughters the Iceian and allies join the queen in a campaign of revenge against the Romans. They plunder Roman cities killing all the inhabitants and burning the cities to the ground until a vastly outnumbered Roman legion faces Boudica's furious hoard.
Robin Hood: The First Outlaw Hero
Who was the real Robin Hood? This age-old question and many more are answered in this exciting documentary. Come and explore the true story behind the beloved myth of Robin Hood the outlawed hero who famously stole from the rich and gave to the poor. In it you will track down the legend of the myth, its origins, and its many interpretations over the years; take a trip back to medieval times and visit the real Robin Hood country; and examine the far-reaching influences the Robin Hood legend has had throughout popular culture. With a myth so famously enduring and intriguing as its subject, this documentary will prove to be both satisfying and fascinating for anyone interested in Robin Hood.
Robin Hood: The First Outlaw Hero
Who was the real Robin Hood? This age-old question and many more are answered in this exciting documentary. Come and explore the true story behind the beloved myth of Robin Hood the outlawed hero who famously stole from the rich and gave to the poor. In it you will track down the legend of the myth, its origins, and its many interpretations over the years; take a trip back to medieval times and visit the real Robin Hood country; and examine the far-reaching influences the Robin Hood legend has had throughout popular culture. With a myth so famously enduring and intriguing as its subject, this documentary will prove to be both satisfying and fascinating for anyone interested in Robin Hood.