Dinah Dominguez

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Labag sa batas

Labag sa batas

Apr 01, 1982
Mike Mendez (RAMON REVILLA) is a rich playboy, sportsman, professional gambler, and one of the best agents the government has to offer. When BIR checks are found to be counterfeited, Mike Mendez is sent to investigate. Soon, Mike realizes he is discovering secrets beyond his wildest expectations. A government agent is tasked to track down the illegal activities of a millionaire responsible for the manufacture, distribution and use of fake B.I.R. seals and stamps.


Sep 20, 1991
McBain : Il y a 18 ans, Santos a sauvé la vie de McBain, aujourd'hui vétéran du Vietnam. Pour Santos, la lutte se poursuit en Colombie où il mène un combat acharné contre le cartel de la drogue. Malheureusement, il est sauvagement assassiné. McBain, qui ne supporte pas de laisser ce crime impuni, reconstitue son équipe du Vietnam et part pour la Colombie...
Mantis Boxer

Mantis Boxer

Jul 01, 1979
Face off between young Ulysses Chan, and the female slave takers/ owners. They terrorise the village and steal women from their homes. A clash is likely!