Saidi Sabri

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Air Force: The Movie: Selagi Bernyawa
The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war torn country, Namburi. On their return home, their plane gets unexpectedly shot down by local militants. Nine of the passengers managed to make their jump before the plane crashes. Back in Malaysia, upon discovery of the news, the air force makes preparation for rescue. Adib`s brother in-law, Zafran, a grounded SUKHOI pilot, fights for the opportunity to save them. The air force deploys help and the survivors make their final run to salvation.
Duan Nago Bogho

Duan Nago Bogho

Jan 19, 2023
Duan, a Mak Yong artist, migrates to Kuala Lumpur at the insistence of his parents after being involved in a fight in the village. He meets his friends from the village and works in various part-time jobs but his new life in the city does not prevent him from continuing to be active in the arts of Mak Yong that has been integrated in his soul. He clashes with a group of criminals when he tries to save a girl. She is kidnapped because of a past revenge that had caused the brother of a criminal leader to be sentenced to death for killing her boyfriend.
Pok Ya Cong Codei

Pok Ya Cong Codei

Jan 20, 2018
Pak Ya is the local gangster in Kelantan (known as gedebe in Kelantanese dialect). He got the job to find the famous lawyer Dato Ishak's missing daughter in Kuala Lumpur.
Satu Kampung Dua Orang
In 1977, a major flood swept a village along the Pahang river, prompting all residents to move to another village. However, Buyung's recently lost his wife, refuses to move out and his younger brother, Juang decides to accompany Buyung. There are only two of them living in the village for 40 years. One day, Bidin, a young man who fled to their village after committing a serious crime. The arrival of Bidin has opened a secret between Buyung and Juang involving the death of Buyung's wife, Milah, a few decades ago.
Pak Dogo

Pak Dogo

Jun 20, 2020
Koya has been chosen to replace Dalang Senik. But before he inherits all of Dalang Senik's heirlooms, he must learn to be a Dalang including guarding Pak Dogo, a mysterious entity.