Přemysl Bureš

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Muž, který stál v cestě
A drama that tells the story of the physician and politician MUDr. František Kriegel, the hero of the Prague Spring of 1968, who was arrested and kidnapped to Moscow on the night of August 21st together with five leaders of the party and the state (Dubček, Černík, Smrkovský, Špaček and Šimon). He was the only Czechoslovak politician who managed to stand up to Brezhnev in Moscow captivity, even under the threat of liquidation, and not to sign the Moscow Protovol which meant agreeing to the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.


Jun 01, 2023
Erhart wants to protect his mentally ill mother from the forced sale of her home. Doing so, he uncovers a scheme that reveals the secrets of his long-vanished father. Family story meets the legacy of post-socialist transformation.
La sage-femme 2

La sage-femme 2

Feb 16, 2016
En 1810, Gesa, très résolue, veut être plus qu'une simple sage-femme, Elle veut étudier la médecine pour mieux aider ses patientes enceintes. Elle se rend donc à Vienne, bien décidée à intégrer la faculté de médecine. Elle parvient à impressionner le sévère professeur Gottschalk, qui l'autorise à assister aux cours. Mais, à cette époque, être la seule femme étudiant la médecine n'est pas chose aisée...
TV Movie
7 dní hříchů

7 dní hříchů

Nov 01, 2012
This story actually happened in the region around the city of Sumperk in Jeseniky Mountains in May 1945. The disappearance of Agnes, the German wife of a Czech forester Jan Olsan is a dark mystery. She is the only one who knows who and for what reason is looking for her. It's the end of the war, times are bad and the Czechs are coming back from the inland to the frontier. The guards are forming and soldiers are coming. Fate brings together the outlaw Jan and his German brother-in-law Jurgen who has just returned from the eastern front line. Both men are looking for exactly the same woman and that is Agnes. But Agnes escaped; she is running away through the deep woods followed by the most powerful man of the county. Running away for what she had witnessed. The fatality of the relationship between Agnes and Jan can only be learned in the mountains on this thorny journey.


Oct 17, 2019
Vlasta and Tonda don't have much longer to live but they do have one more important task ahead of them - to find and kill the communist prosecutor who sent them to prison in the 1950s. An unusual road movie about two former political prisoners who fight for justice despite every obstacle.
Voyage au bout de la Terre
Lorsqu'il pose le pied au pôle Sud pour la première fois, sortant vainqueur de la course à la découverte de ce continent glacé, Roald Amundsen écrit dans son carnet de bord : « Jamais un homme ne se sera trouvé si diamétralement opposé à l'endroit où il souhaite réellement être ». Grand explorateur, son plus grand rêve est d'être le premier homme à découvrir le pôle Nord. Et pour y arriver, il est prêt à sacrifier famille, argent et amour.


May 29, 2014
La vie d'un jeune couple rom, parents d'une petite fille, essayant de mener une vie décente et digne malgré les difficultés.


Apr 30, 2023
Standa Pekárek has three wishes in life: to drive a volga, to drive for the Humour and Folk Entertainment editorial office and to drive Got'ák. The five-part miniseries Volha is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Karel Hynia, written in an extraordinary, bizarre and precisely echoed language. It can be perceived as a peculiar history of Czechoslovak television with a number of incredible, albeit real, "stories from the set". At the same time, however, it is a portrait of its main character - a limited egocentric who excels in inventing small tricks and deceptions - how to steal petrol, fake mileage, cheat his wife, get rid of the competition. Logically, he then also becomes a StB collaborator (with the code name Volha) who informs on all his co-workers and passengers without any remorse.


Feb 14, 2018
Although Czech republic is country free of rabbies, some cases of infected animals appear near one of villages in Sumava region. Virologist Pavel Rogl, that is in his thirties, has task to inspect the situation, supervise the vaccination and find the source of infection. He is also charged to elaborate an expertise for team of police detectives, that are investigating mysterious double homicide. It is possible, that murders are connected to infection. Is it a human murderer, or big beast that escaped?
Tannbach – Schicksal eines Dorfes
After the fall of the Third Reich, the small town of Tannbach is cruelly divided between East and West regimes and the town’s inhabitants suffer the consequences. A gripping historical drama exploring the devastating effects decades of conflict had on communities from the end of the Second War War to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Onde de Choc

Onde de Choc

Jan 19, 2020
Suite à une fusillade, le destin de sept personnes s'entrecroise, bouleversant leur vie à jamais.


Mar 29, 2020
David must join forces with police analyst Petra as they are drawn deep into the tangled web of who controls the flow of meth into Europe.


Feb 21, 2025
During her third pregnancy, a divorced mother decides on an unusual solution to her life situation. Immediately after giving birth, she wants to entrust the child to new adoptive parents of her choice.